This is another false equivalence - they're both justifications, but one is of property damage and the other is of murder.
Implying that looting and arson can't result in murder? There's always this desire to say who is worse at the end of the day. How about this instead: everyone is guilty for what they've done. Let's not excuse anything, from anyone. Let's just have justice, across the board.
Particularly against Proud Boys, who began to think twice about walking up and punching people in the back of the head during protests.
Yeah, being unarmed when someone else is tends to have that effect. America has the solution to that "problem" though.
Rittenhouse is locked up and the victims are also considered guilty, that's saying property damage is equal to or less than murder - encouraging more shootings on Leftists.
The charge for property destruction and perhaps carrying and brandishing an unlicensed firearm should be? much less than murder. Each are guilty for what _they've done_. If someone wants to translate that into equivalency, then they're the ones doing it falsely.
Rittenhouse is locked up and the victims are painted as...well, victims - that'll at least keep the current status quo.
Nothing maintains the status quo anymore, that's the nature of change. Everything moves the needle while we're in this place. Let me give you the conservative take on Rittenhouse in jail and no one else:
"What, you mean we're supposed to fuckin' stand around while people loot our businesses and [insert ever more extreme shit here.] Fuck that shit, the next sumbitch that even looks at my shit like he's thinking about touching it is gonna eat lead. Can't fuckin trust government to do the right thing, they didn't do right by Kyle Rittenhouse when all those leftists attacked him and he's the one that went to jail."
I don't even need to point out all the problems in that logic. I want to say I'm exaggerating for effect, but I've heard shit like this too many times come out of people's mouths in person. I think it's a pretty accurate take.
My desire for justice for all isn't rooted in sympathy for conservative America. I'm just sick of them being handed ammunition. To my mind, that requires some sacrifice from the rest of the sane public, even though none of us actually want to do that. For the Right to be fully in the wrong, the Left has to be unimpeachable. That means upholding laws because, let's be real, looting and arson are not ok. Packing heat while looting and burning is not ok. (That's just straight criminality at that point, doesn't matter why you say you're there. If looks like a dog, barks like a dog and can bite like a dog, then it's a fucking dog. Anyone that tries to tell you looting and arson is part of social justice already has a flimsy grasp of ethics to begin with.)
The Left has to be unimpeachable because that makes what the Right does look that more insane, and that more unreasonable and that more dangerous. You wanna know why the Capitol riots didn't come off well for Conservatives? Because only one person died. If 30 or 40 people had gotten blown away there, the narrative around it would be much, much different today. Restraint is what the Left needs to do. The Right is gonna do what they're gonna do, and the more black and white the atrocity, then maybe one fucking day, America as a consensus will become so disgusted by it and its shadowy offshoots of casual racism, entertaining terrible discourse for the sake of politeness, etc.... that we'll rightly condemn this shit and the true believers can slither back into their earthen warrens and wait for their next chance to destroy democracy.
To my mind that means not escalating to their level. And that will require some restraint, a lot of bravery, sacrifice and maybe even martyrdom.
You see shit like this in little ways, little awful Twitter and Ticktok moments, Facebook posts. Some jackass flies off the handle over some idiotic political opinion and gets physically carried out of a store or arrested. I remember one where a dude in Canada punched a 15 year old Amusement Park ride attendant because he asked him to put on a mask. Dude in turn got jumped by about 8 people and restrained, while the rest of the crowd stood by and cheered as the police arrived and arrested him. Now...what if the kid had actually provoked him by insulting him or his politics or his intelligence or whatever? Well, he still would have gotten punched. But his assailant would also have justification to confuse and muddle the core issue that he just assaulted a teenager for _no reason_.
Sometimes that's what you have to do so show how awful something is, is let it happen so there can be no debate. That's why Tiananmen Square is called a massacre and not a battle.