I'm betting that there's an equal chance of someone dreaming of republicans winning hard enough so that democrat donors don't see a future, etc, etc...
Well, those who want to vote R seem to so closely equal the numbers who want to vote D[1], or else there wouldn't be bickering (and a few too many times where the gap between total votes and the total sub-precincts won on their individual balances caused grief for the maximum number of people, which might indicate the size of the 'approximation error bar' this vote-bundling creates).
Or maybe the equivalent Republican-inclined have their own 'dream-scenario', such as every Democrat Donor being rounded up and... made irrelevent. (Well, I'm sure that sort of scenario also sits in the minds of people in both flavours, actually. Maybe from different starting points, but equally determined in it being a necessary 'balancing act' for political slights either perceived or actual...)
[1] Yes, maybe there's differences in how much there is of "My Party, right or wrong", "My Grandpappy always voted My Party, my Pappy always voted My Party, I've always voted My Party...", "I only voted My Party because I hate Their Party more", and "I'll throw a vote to a third party/I won't vote at all because I, alone, am not going to change the My Party vs Their Party sure-thing contest" applies for respective My/Their(/Third) Party natural-supporters.