I mean... if Thatcher was running on the dem ticket she probably would be an improvement over whatever the GOP fielded. Hell, she'd probably be better than the current batch of shitsacks even if zombie thatcher ran R. Pretty sure she'd represent a leftward swing or general mellowing for the conservative parties.
Sexism probably would be invoked for opponents, assuming whoever ran against her wasn't also female, but, like. Zombie thatcher would probably represent a general win for the american populace, as fucked up a thought as that is. Either a generally better human being than most GOP politicians if running R, or still a better one if running against them.
All that said, someone like abrams would probably be a pretty decent VP pick for biden (maybe even bernie, if bernie hadn't gotten roflstomped again). I'm not sure pandering is the right word for trying to leverage that kind of symbol to, y'know, like half the fucking population. Especially if there's not some super better choice (and there ain't, as far as I know). Warren I'd rather see as sec of treasury or just still a congresscritter but heavily called on for advice and support and whatnot. Picking a veep that's not going to undermine margins in congress is probably a good idea.