Not saying I agree with far right demonstrations, but I still believe the proper response is to ignore them, not put them on the defensive and make them double down on "the neccesity of whatthey're doing"
While I can see the parallels between the far right and scared children acting out because negative attention feels better than being ignored, the purpose of ignoring performant misbehavior in children has a tutelary component that would be quite pointless here. The far right is full of people who could not envision any future in which anything they could ever be would be of any concievable use to anyone without the systematic elimination of all other alternatives, thus the chanting about being "replace[d];" the fear of a level playing field is what motivates all their bigotry. A cursory review of their more prominent members indicates that this self-assessment is probably accurate. In short, to become a Nazi one must first be such a loser that one is not worth deprogramming.
Given that, it makes sense to look at Nazism as an epidemic, assume it is functionally incurable, and focus instead on quarantine and vaccination until transmission is as low as reasonably achievable. Deplatforming is part of that, but Antifa has its role to play as well, if only as a ready source of freelance agents provocateur. They just can't do so effectively in isolation, so their cost in random disorder is out of apparent balance with the benefits they provide.
It makes sense to do that, by the way, in part because if you start looking at it as a social problem, it raises questions of deterrence that have very discomfiting answers. It only takes one person to ask how much depends on the Nazis' opinion of their leaders, another to notice their obsession with masculinity, and from there it's a clear path to someone asking about the propaganda value of putting Andrew Anglin or Richard Spencer alone in a featureless, windowless cell 24/7 for the rest of their life and broadcasting a round-the-clock camera feed of their cell as a picture-in-picture on Fox, and hang on now, let's not pretend the Constitution hasn't already been shredded, and really if it saves lives is it really going too far or are we seriously going to defend Nazis over their victims here? Besides, let's hear them complain about censorship now, har har poetic justice. Or maybe it'll be something else, something equally festooned with "well we have to do something" and concern over the greater good and a slow slide into monstrousness.
And then, one step at a time, we've ratcheted the culture wars up well past any sane point, and it's just going to spiral out of all control.
So let's maybe stop it while we can still do so humanely, because otherwise someone else is going to stop it inhumanely.