For the record,
Neither a strong economy, a growing stock market/growing # of industries & jobs, nor actually having a job correlates to a higher quality of life.
I would say, in many respects, it is preferable for a young person to be unemployed right now, to either live off the state or their families until they can get a job that pays them a livable wage or just keep going back to college if they can afford it until they appear more employable.
Getting people minimum wage jobs just creates pseudo-slaves with more problems and responsibilities then before. They still cost the state money too, as often they DONT HAVE LIVABLE WAGES.
I know its cliche, but the whole rich get richer and the poor get poorer thing is real. Large corporations, investors, and shareholders have to be limited in how much of a company's revenue they can collect. If the majority of the profit from an employee's work/value is not given back to them, then this is basically corporate feudalism.
Fuck efficiency or growth through the concentration of wealth, give people their lives back. TBH, I'd gladly give up most of today's modern amenities and securities for more time and space to just exist without expectation.