I deal with geriatric people about the president's age daily. Sadly, this includes mental infirmities.
Aside from being obviously narcissistic (a trait most professional politicians and business people share), and a pathological liar (another frequently shared trait), the only thing I really see wrong with the president is that he is a fucking idiot buried under 20 feet of Dunning Kruger, with a side of probable atherosclerosis.
Normally we (as a nation) tend to raise up more... hrm... Competent.. narcissistic liars. (Being successful in either business or politics requires a degree of cunning and intelligence not normally presented in your typical person, who is naturally more predisposed to being well, NORMAL. Trump is what you get when you have too much money from daddy to be really CAPABLE of actually failing, despite doing EVERYTHING WRONG. Tax returns from the past 10 years showing he lost over a billion dollars? Yeah. That. He just has sufficient money socked away from daddy, that even WITH him losing on investments left and right, he *STILL* has managed to not be destitute, because he makes more in capital gains than he manages to lose. That's it. The secret of his success. Meanwhile, you have people like Warren Buffet, or even Rupert Murdoch, who are what I am actually talking about when I mention being competent narcissistic liars and manipulators. The former really does know how to decide on risky investments and win, and the latter knows all about how to manipulate the press by dominating the means of delivery.)
Trump is just a deluded man, with a Baron von Munchausen sized sense of accomplishment, screaming at clouds. Sadly, he is also the president.
Please don't re-elect him.