We can take potshots at Cold War bogeymen and make a raft from the bagpipes after we revealed all the fake Scots if you really wanna, but what is it actually going to do?
Who benefits from this discussion?
Nobody, but we're here for our amusement, not our benefit. The problem perhaps is that we're both attacking words rather than actually knowing what the other person is actually advocating.
I'm advocating awareness that letting certain people influence which words are allowed to mean which things so it favors their situation is worth attacking.
I mean, if I was a rich old white fuckbag who was heavily invested in a capitalist economy--where I was sitting on top of the heap--I would probably prefer people spend time arguing about why socialist strawman A is actually something else because socialist hypothetical type B is not as bad... instead of them reframing the discussion in a way that doesn't paint rentseeking and profiting off of laborers as the way things should be.
Why must it be a racial issue?
Because I'm in the US dealing with a bunch of hateful old fuckbags doing their damndest to consolidate power and fuck everyone else over, who happen to be a bunch of pasty sons of bitches by and large, and who are cheered on by a melange of shitheads who run the gamut from young to old as balls but count among their number a disturbingly large number of no doubt fine people that also happen to be literal nazis.
Oppressing brown people in the name of profit is fucking american as shit, yo, and it is tiresome pretending that it's just a coincidence when all these awful things are done by a bunch of awful white guys.
I'll grant that they aren't doing this shit
because old white men are just evil, but it's goddamn obvious that old white men who do this shit do it because they know they can get away with it, and since I've been watching them do this shit since the mid-80's I feel comfortable dispensing with the pretense that we should give them the benefit of the doubt or try to act like this behavior is unusual. It was clear as a little poor kid that the crazy old coot on tv ranting about the soviets and welfare was never going to do anything good with the power he somehow obtained, and hey look at that we're sitting here 30 years later dealing with the same nonsensical laffer curve tax cuts, dismantling of safety nets, and the same wrinkled old ghoulish faces grinning as they go about fucking over the rest of us to make sure they have their hoarded pile squirreled away in case they decide to retire instead of sitting in office til they fucking croak.
And if you want to talk about strawmen you will hard pressed to find anyone who will defend rent seeking. "Profiting off of laborers" on the other hand, is a very ideological way of perceiving the labor market.
Indeed, but I'm not the one who framed the discussion in these sorts of binary fashions, and favor discarding said artificial restrictions on discourse entirely.
Don't let shitsacks like Trump--or the hateful turdmongers that encourage him to parrot pro-capitalist nonsense at Fox--decide the bounds of acceptable discussion for you.
Believe me, I don't. I've just seen what you're selling and I don't want it.
The only thing I'm selling is saws, I don't care if you want to adopt my ideology, I was just pointing out you might want to get a refund on parts of yours.