We can take potshots at Cold War bogeymen and make a raft from the bagpipes after we revealed all the fake Scots if you really wanna, but what is it actually going to do?
Who benefits from this discussion?
Nobody, but we're here for our amusement, not our benefit. The problem perhaps is that we're both attacking words rather than actually knowing what the other person is actually advocating.
I mean, if I was a rich old white fuckbag who was heavily invested in a capitalist economy--where I was sitting on top of the heap--I would probably prefer people spend time arguing about why socialist strawman A is actually something else because socialist hypothetical type B is not as bad... instead of them reframing the discussion in a way that doesn't paint rentseeking and profiting off of laborers as the way things should be.
Why must it be a racial issue?
And if you want to talk about strawmen you will hard pressed to find anyone who will defend rent seeking. "Profiting off of laborers" on the other hand, is a very ideological way of perceiving the labor market. Organizing a productive enterprise and contributing the capital required to actually
start it are of paramount importance. Do you actually believe that executives just sit around doing nothing but collecting a check? Or that shareholders don't contribute anything of value to enterprise? Organizations, especially large organizations, need to be managed, or they
will collapse into a mess of confusion, infighting, and factionalism, and drag the livelihoods of who knows how many people along with them. Managing large organizations effectively and making good choices for them going forward is an uncommon skill. Shareholders, large shareholders anyway, usually do take part in the management process. But even if they don't they still provide both funding for the organization (through investment) and they keep the organization on task - being a productive enterprise - instead of making room for entryists, or people who want to use the organization's resources for whatever their pet project or cause may be. Nobody is forcing you to work for anybody either, unlike what happened in the "'owned' by the workers and managed for them by the state" model of socialism that set the standard for the model in practice you are perfectly free to set out to make your own living. There's no guarantee you'll succeed of course, but there was no guarantee anyone else would either. If you haven't got any useful skills, haven't got any idea how to run a business, and haven't got an actual plan you will almost certainly fail, but nobody is stopping you from doing that, either! Just don't expect anyone else to pitch in to fund it for you.
For all that though the actual central thrust of socialism, 'worker ownership,' is not objectionable to me at all. There's no ideological reason things like co-ops, or stock options for employees, or profit sharing compensation schemes shouldn't exist. There are a shitload of small businesses where a group of partners get together, pool capital, and do all or most of the enterprise's work by themselves. I'm not convinced of the practical benefits of some of the more peripheral practices like democratic management (the only example of a decent sized company run like this that I can think of is the Mondragon corporation, which has done nothing but move away from its syndicalist roots since its foundation, maybe Spanish Bay12ers know more about them) but I don't see that even really see as a political issue. It's just an optimization problem. I will never, ever trust socialists with power though, because they are inseparably linked for both historical and practical reasons to a lot of other, far more terrible ideas. Marxism, class warfare, atheism, internationalism, violent "redistribution," liquidation of inconvenient peoples, political groups, and social classes, and political repression are all part and parcel, in whole or in part; and in the modern era we can add mass migration, overt anti-white rhetoric, and cancerous sexual politics to the list as well.
Don't let shitsacks like Trump--or the hateful turdmongers that encourage him to parrot pro-capitalist nonsense at Fox--decide the bounds of acceptable discussion for you.
Believe me, I don't. I've just seen what you're selling and I don't want it.