... more than that, Barr's summary doesn't actually say no evidence of collusion. At all. I just re-read the thing, and found a searchable version just to make sure I didn't miss something. Those are literally not words the summary uses. Nor does it use 'no evidence of conspiracy', or any possible related variant you care to spit out. The closest it comes is barr saying meuller did not find that it had happened -- which, as should be noted, without further context would at most mean he didn't find sufficient grounds for DoJ standards to prosecute, which is a fuck damn long distance from 'no evidence' -- and barr quoting the report saying the investigation didn't establish it. Which, again, without context is a major, major difference from 'no evidence'.*
Barr's wording also pretty strongly suggests meuller's investigation didn't actually touch on the substantial cases for conspiracy people have been clamoring about, which would be a whole different set of problems. The actual report would clear up a lot of things that barr seems to have gone out of his way to obfuscate, really. Some of it might even be better for trump's lot than this current bullshit (though given how much GOP folks seem to be suddenly fighting the release it's probably pretty unlikely, ha).
Though, all that said, there's definitely been some tone shifts. Issue there is more the fourth estate fucking its job up one side the proverbial street and down the other. Reporting on the subject has just been kinda' fucked the last handful of days (at a minimum). That people have been picking up the message 'no evidence of collusion' is case in point.
E: * Like, the crazy thing is that people paying attention didn't expect there to be any indication of conspiracy over the election, especially not specifically with russia's IRA or drect government agents. That the report seems to have said they couldn't establish it, instead of some other wording, suggests that the investigation actually fucking found something, that they uncovered enough evidence to begin establishing a case but not enough to meet DoJ 90+% confidence standards. Which would actually be kinda' wild, out of left field when the much more likely collusion/conspiracy issues involved other shit entirety.