The green new deal should be taken literally, not just seriously. Too many people -- liberals included -- are saying it's a fun policy document but not practical.
Going to the moon in a decade wasn't practical, and we had far less important reasons to go than we do to fight climate change (and I say that as a space fan).
The Green New Deal doesn't propose any technologies we haven't already been using for decades. It doesn't ask for any policies that aren't already in practice around the world. There is only one reason to say it couldn't succeed, and that's because Republicans won't back it. Well, fuck that. Nobody wants Trump's actual, literal, physical wall, but everyone in the republican party is pushing for it. It's time that the Democrats start working together to achieve things that democratic voters want. Nor can anyone imagine a democratic policy proposal that Republicans are willing to back. Remember Obamacare? Remember how single-payer healthcare was beaten and trashed into a huge gift for the insurance companies in order to appease the Republicans? And how many Republicans voted for Obamacare?
Only two things could possibly have higher priority than preventing the avoidable devastation of human life and livelihoods over the next century, and those are providing immediate universal healthcare, and safely and sanely reducing our military excess around the world. Fortunately, both of those fit into the GND.