I mean it wasn't really serious a comment to begin with, I know the dems will never allow a sanders to win, because they care about their bottom line. That said after discussions with a lot of desillusionned voters, I came to the conclusion that this (more than anything else) is the reason between trump's election ; the idea that vote doesn't really matter because the outcome of the election has already been negociated between close doors among friends of good company.
On a equally serious note, Sanders is not the radical left wing extremist radical he built his mythos about. Like Chomsky said, he's a new dealer, not a socialist. He's a tame guy, akin to the european center left on a number of issues.
On Hillary's reputation ; okay this is just my opinion but I think it is deserved. Reps lied about her, exagerrated the truth on every single occasion, granted, this is what they do. But you go back in time, before she was in the spotlight as she was in 2016, and see how she and her husband delt with a man like Hitchen and you realize that she is definitely not a friend. So my humble position is ; maybe put forward someone who is ?
Edit : No, really, you do not, never, vote for someone you do not want to come into power. In the tradition of vote, this is the point of abstaining. In assemblies who perform votes (like in share holder meetings, or a worker unions), "I abstain" is a legitimate vote option (and is distinct from "I refuse to participate"). You as a citizen are under no obligation to legitimize the coming into power of someone you deem unreliable or dangerous, and it is the job of the candidates to persuade you.
As for this idea of primaries, you also are under no obligation, not even morale, to respect it. This is a glorified opinion poll held by a private organization.