preedit: superninja'd, but I'm still posting!
It is sad when people think their own rights or personal comfort are important enough to kill anyone, let alone unborn children.
I mean. You are posting this in the context of a law suggestion which would literally mean a possible death penalty for people who perform abortions.
I think people in general aren't really "for abortion", they are really "for women's rights" - and somehow we got stuck on abortion as being an issue of women's rights rather than as the killing of children.
Why can't we promote and maintain women's rights and support a culture of not aborting children?
Because people require a certain amount of control of their bodies, beings, and lives in order to be able to actualise their rights. In fact, many would hold that being able to be sovereign of one's own body is a fundamental human right.
I personally would prefer if abortions were never trivially performed. I would prefer a culture where abortions, despite being available to all, were only ever performed when really necessary. However, we
know how thing was like before abortions were legalised. A lot of women suffered, a lot of women hurt themselves, a lot of women died. I am not a particular proponent of abortions, and I can still see how much better society with it available than without.
And besides, looking at the example of a culture in your post, such a culture would have to exist and be firmly in place
before a possible law would follow up. Such a culture do not exist now. Such a culture did not exist before abortions were legalised - then women performed black market surgery, or worse self-surgery to accomplish it. It did not exist before that either - even further back women would poison or beat themselves to abort their pregnancy, or just straight up murder their of child after birth in desperation. Simply putting a ban on top of your society would not do away with abortion. It would just force rich people to go abroad, and poor people to go back to back-street "doctors" and coat hangers, like they did before.
See, as I said above, abortions are nothing new or modern. The only modern thing about them is the ability to be able to do it under controlled, clinical, and medical conditions. The only thing modern about abortions is the right to be able to perform it with a lower risk of death, permanent injury, or future infertility for the woman.
That is why I am 100% in favour of freely(-until-health-risk-outweighs-other-factors) available abortion. This is what Sweden provides today, as far as I know, and I think it is also what the US supreme court decision mandates. To me, the health and risks to the life of the living, fully formed person outweighs the potential of the unborn, still not fully formed human, the seed-of-a-person.
Discarded strands of hair, trimmed fingernails, saliva and urine are all uniquely "human", and yet have less claim to personhood than moths. If the question is at what point a fetus becomes human, the answer is "since before it was created". I don't think that's a very good question to ask for that reason.
I consider, for lack of a better definition, a person to be a thing with the mental properties of an adult human. By that definition, many of the things I like to eat are closer to a person than even a newborn baby human.
I don't feel the comparison at all works. Discarded hairs, nails or liquids are all
parts of a body, just like a fetus is, but they are not the same as a fetus. A fetus is, after all, the entirety of a body, a person-in-an-egg-shell. Hair and nails human as a leaf is to a tree, and the fetus is akin to the seed and nut that grows into the tree. One cannot diminish them into being the same as you do. Their form and function are much to different, and the promise of what they may develop into far too important to be ignored.
Has no one mentioned that their solution to what they perceive as killing human beings... is to kill human beings?
Bay12, I am disappoint.
I tried to, but I was to slow. Or rather you were to quick to assume! Teneb,
I am disappoint.
One thing that's worth mentioning, I feel, is that the process of abortion is by no means comfortable or easy for the woman going through with it... It's not some "get out of jail free" card.
Abortion is a decision you have to live with for the rest of your life... Carrying to term is a decision you have to live with for the rest of your life and theirs.
technically still true in both situations tho