Know what we need more of in politics?
Beards... these goddamn doofy looking kids we have in office are like twice my age, exposing their weak naked little chins to the world as if to say "look at how tame and civilized I am" or some bullshit. I understand the razor manufacturers were really good at selling the idea that manliness involves a shorn face, so fucking what? Kellogg was really good at convincing people mutilating baby penises would keep them from masturbating which was supposedly a huge problem, both practices have lasted far too long frankly. I can't undo the latter easily, but I can make damn sure the former is over, the only time I get cut is if I slip and hit a finger with a saw or chisel!
Well, that and my head hair, it hits my ears and neck and drives me nuts, but I'm not going through the itchy valley of growth again, and besides, learning to deal with little persistent annoyances in a gracious and patient manner is good practice for all sorts of situations a man may face.
Couple that with the inherent isolation of otaku culture, and you have people who get stuck in feedback loops about ridicule, and end up with bad self-image, and bad opinions of other people in meat-space, which reinforces the digital-only communication bottleneck that contributes to the isolation problem.
So you're saying socially awkward loners get on the Internet, where they're made fun of by other socially awkward loners, and thus become more socially awkward and loner? Actually, I can buy that.
Still doesn't completely answer why you kids aren't out there fucking like weasels in heat, though.
And I refuse to believe it's a generational thing. Or if it is, it's post-Millenial. Because I know a number of Millenials (and have slept with a number of Millenials) >_>
...ok fine I'll admit it... I'm in a relationship with... a millenial... she was born just that side of the divide apparently, but I swear I didn't know when we met, I had no idea it would end up like this... all my carefully curated Gen-X coolness, fwoosh, up in smoke because I fell for a chick two years younger than me...