My understanding of gender dysphoria is that the person's body and what their mind expects don't match up, and that causes some form of distress. In that case, it seems like changing the body to match the mind and changing the mind to match the body would both be theoretically effective treatments, right? Provided that the person in question really thinks that's the right thing to do. Brainwashing trans folks to match their physical sex would be horrible.
I suppose that changing the body is much, much easier than changing the mind in that manner, though, so gender reassignment is the much better choice than treating gender dysphoria like a mental illness and trying to fight it. Which I guess means that my perspective on this doesn't mean anything substantial for the world we live in. Just, theoretically if we had the technology to majorly rewrite someone's brain like that, and there were no easier options, it should be considered. Same as if we had the technology to put people into drastically different bodies, it might be valid to treat someone who thinks they're a dolphin by literally turning them into a dolphin.
Then again, that's pretty much science fiction that I'm forcing into ameripol. And probably relies on some basic assumptions that I underestimate the complexity of. I wouldn't know, I'm no medical professional, nor am I trans.
God, that's word salad, not discussion. Sorry, I just wanted to get my thoughts out there and see if anyone thinks they make sense. :v