Yeah, so...One hour in and this is a pure waste of time. Franckly if you don't go to the police after an assault happen, you don't get to complain to the court of public opinion 36 years later.
And god, I really want the democrats to win the next elections, I do, and I hope we can have normal ally relations again in the future when you have regained your sanity as a country, but jesus hearing them talk makes me puke in my mouth a bit.
This is really, really bad. One of them uses that dead horse statistics that 2/3 of the sexual assault victims don't report their assault to justify Ford not telling the police like it's any justification.
One of them even use the catchphrase "boys will be boys". Jesus christ will they stop using that whistle, the dogs are going crazy all over the neighbourhood.
Ok. I get it. This is the usual bickering about non-issues, that go nowhere and with no one in the discussion having their facts straight. No facts, no stats, no reliable information sources. Went through one hour of pointless hearsay and dog whistling, tapping out now.
I guess it works as a surrogate for a vivid political life in the US, because your opinion on Dr. Ford's testimony will likely fall on the lines of who is your party of choice, so medias can eingeneer a fake political conflict and get electoral bases into a frenzy, as usual.