"Well, that sucked." ~2020 Democrat campaign as a statement on the previous 4 years.
"Win harder."
"Fake news, real progress."
As for the gun debate, I will steal from someone much better informed on constitutional law than I:
http://digitalcommons.law.yale.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1836&context=fss_papersThe 1st through 10th can definitely be read as checks and counters to tyranny, but the language used suggests that they were also describing methods by which the people can be involved in governing without actually being politicians.
A militia involves training and mustering together with your neighbors and so forth, not just so you can fight off a hypothetical seizure of the military by tyrants, but so you can participate in service and defense of your home(s) while strengthening your bond with said neighbors.
A right to trial by jury and the various protections apply to prevent you from being unjustly imprisoned, but they also describe a role by which citizens can take part in judicial proceedings.
The only one which regularly gets recognized for both the positive rights and the negative protections included is the 1st: it says you can't be attacked for speaking out against the government, and it says you can not be prevented from assembling to petition the government directly or indirectly.
The 2nd, read in this context, refers originally to a military term: bearing arms. It has been interpreted recently as a broad right to keep and own arms, but it only really takes that character after including the reconstruction amendment as that is the one which allowed for citizens who may not be able to rely on police intervention against crime--freed slaves, in other words--to keep weapons at home for defense against intrusion and violence directed at them or their family.
The "I need it for hunting" excuse is nonsense, while the "I need it for home defense" argument has slightly more merit, except for the vast number of weapons better suited for the task of scaring off/incapacitating an intruder who won't always be nice and enter during the day after announcing their intentions so you can roll out of bed like an action hero, your fully tactical-kitted semi-auto--and someone awkward to wield--rifle having been kept under your pillow because fuck that gun cabinet bullshit, this is the moment you spent a couple of hours three years ago training intensely for!
Also I love these kids being all sassy and snippy with fucking congress-critters and the like.
'So what exactly are you going to do here, because I don't want any other kids to know what it feels like seeing their friends getting shot and dying in front of them, and apparently you assholes are in charge, what's up?'
"Well, uh, see, this is the sort of question that really should have been vetted beforehand because I don't really have a better answer than trying to sidestep it before offering worthless platitudes."
'So... nothing then? What use are you exactly?'