Actually affordable nationalized healthcare. The real thing, not this "Let's give money and an enshrined monopoly with government enforcement to ensurers!" shit.
Pay for it by making "Legal tax avoidance" illegal, and imposing single payer rules, while telling pharmaceutical companies that they have to allow foreign drug purchases from within the US, and thus letting out a shitload of air out of the system.
Make domestic spying fucking illegal again, and hold the people who consistently allowed it to get this bad accountable. (as in, JAIL.)
Legislation to force employers to STOP abusing degree holder status as if it were a proxy for "Being able to finish what they start" and other such hooey, and to crack down on fraudulent misuse of H1B and other work visas-- and ACTUALLY HIRE PEOPLE, and ACTUALLY TRAIN PEOPLE. (This would reduce a lot of the pressure on higher education to mass-graduate people, and all the inefficiency that this causes the higher education system, which results in endlessly rising tuition.)
Revisit the student loan problem, and impose STRONG changes to prevent the kind of crippling debts it is causing, with STRONG penalties for lenders that engage in predatory loan making, and return to offering federal grant money instead to boost graduation metrics. (See again, item #1. I see companies like Google and Apple hoarding billions of dollars, while students get loan sharked and tuition going into fucking orbit, while again-- apple and google, demand ever higher levels of education from their prospective hires to even say hello to them as a SERIOUS problem, M'kay? They don't get to demand the sun, the moon, the stars in the sky, and a bag of potato chips while refusing to pay for those things.)
Stop assisting union busting at the federal level.
Federal employment regulations that place restrictions on politicians becoming lobbyists, and vise versa, with mandatory a mandatory cooloff period.
Too big to fail needs to not be a thing; If something is too big to fail, then the market has defacto become captured, and Sherman act needs to be invoked. (possibly RICO too!)
I have others, but I dont want to pontificate endlessly.
As for what individual people can do? If you know somebody that suffers crippling life circumstances, and you have the disposable money on hand, get them over the hump so that they do not go into a debt-cycle crisis, then petition for changes in legislation to make forcing people into that condition illegal, or at least uncommon.