It's a bit (a lot) more than those few cases you've mentioned, it's basically on the scale of a purge: the intentions are good, purges based on untestable allegations don't
usually end very well. You're going to see the shit hitting the fan from all this in a not-good way, the medicine being worse than the disease sort of thing, that's my prediction.*
See statistics on prison rape, it's mostly by
female guards: adults who reported sexual contact with prison staff, including some contact that prisoners call “willing” but that is often coercive and always illegal, 80 percent reported only female perpetrators. Among juveniles, the same figure is 89.3 percent. Queer men and women were two to three times more likely to report abuse. “The disproportionate abuse by female staff members does not occur because women are more often staffing facilities,” the authors write. “Men outnumber women by a ratio of three to one in positions requiring direct contact with inmates.”
Basically, power intoxicates and leads to sexual abuses, usually of the other gender. If you replace the powerful men in Hollywood with women but don't change the power structure itself then you're going to see more abuses by women. Actually, having read a lot of the statistics and knowing how far at odds they are with public perception (read articles like the one I linked), I wouldn't be at all surprised if some guy or girl accuses a powerful woman of sexual abuse and then the floodgates open on
those allegations, the same way they did for gay ones after the Kevin Spacey stuff went down.
Basically, women are often abusers in roughly equal numbers to men. e.g. in a survey of 43,000 adults in America (see the article)... 43% of those admitting to forcing unwilling people to have sex with them were women. But they completely go under the radar. In fact, replacing men in large numbers with women who have been
shown by survey data to sexually abuse in large numbers but basically get away with it scott free because nobody believes the accusers ... that might be a bad thing actually. Men are held accountable for this stuff, women basically never are.