I don't think it's only one place, but you can't deny that on the global geopolitical stage the nations of Europe don't wield that kind of power unless they act in concert.
u wot
Germany, France and the UK all individually have more GDP and power projection than Russia, India and Brazil, and the UK & France regularly engage in their own power projection on the global geopolitical stage. Germany doesn't engage in such missions out of choice. UK & France, nuclear powers, UK the only other blue water navy besides the USA, and the soft power capabilities of the UK & France are phenomenal. Japan also absolutely cannot be left out, being arguably the 3rd or 4th most powerful nation in the world (despite its rather ambivalent foreign policy)
Besides, there's a convenient animal symbol for all of Europe, less so for each of the nations or even just the regional powerhouses. If you want to get fancy we can say that the others have this sort of thing as well. Pakistan falls under the Tiger, Canada under the Eagle, Belarus under the Bear, etc.
What the hell are you talking about with this convenient animal, there exist convenient animals for the great powers of Europe but there exists no animal for the continent
Except China is still a nuclear dragon, one best left napping rather than getting into a dick measuring contest with nuclear bear and nuclear eagle, especially since it is kinda smothering nuclear tiger siblings to the south.
There is a saying in China, of a dragon stuck in a pond. It symbolizes something mighty and ambitious, trapped and confined in a place where it is useless. As an addition to that, there is another saying: One of the dragon escaping the pond and entering the ocean, whereupon its potential to achieve great things and destroy its foes is nearly limitless. Allowing the Chinese into the pacific where before the USA was unchallenged is not going to decrease tensions, it is only going to increase them - and allow China a far superior position to challenge the USA than if it were to engage in the confrontation the Trump and Obama admins started.
China has been playing the long game for decades. Napping is a very poor way of describing their designs for the Pacific
Aye, this is their most aggressive maritime expansion in 600 years