Trickle down,
voodoo economics is way too controversial for me to even touch on whether it works or not.
massive expansion of military budget,
eh. from a defense standpoint, I'm not sure whether this is a valid point. it's not like he was pouring money down the drain: a shitload of reagan-era gear is still in use. plus, y'know, cold war.
scapegoating the poor and homeless,
ooh boy. this is welfare reform, right? i will admit that i'm not from a background that gives me much experience to talk about here, but i've always been of the opinion that government welfare shouldn't exist at all. really, i'm not in a great spot to talk.
then again, i'm also of the opinion that government shouldn't exist.
fuck education, fuck anyone who wants to smoke a joint and relax, fuck anyone who isn't rich and (preferably) white,
tbf fuck the dept. of education. federal education stuff always sounds great in theory, but i've never seen it work.
i dunno man, without druggies who would work in the fields? the war on drugs was and is shitty, sure, but reagan didn't actually say "i know, why don't we lock up all the hippies and blacks?" it was a long time coming.
finally: that last point has been american politics for literally 200+ years.
fuck anyone who doesn't think everything benefits from capitalist ideas,
helicopter rides man.
I'm not saying Reagan was perfect; he definitely made a shitload of mistakes, and had a shitload of bad ideas. But, being 100% serious here, he definitely was not one of the worst presidents in history. Being the paranoid shithead I am, I
love anything that reduces the role of government. Literally anything. Defunding education, and moving away from it federally, might seem shitty to you guys: but I don't want the feds meddling in my schools. Cutting taxes? Cutting the IRS? Hell yes. He's not perfect; I like him too much just as a dude to say he's not great, but I fully understand that someone else might think he's shit, but he's definitely not the worst president ever.
oh hey ninja.
yeah you guys finally tricked me into revealing my real political beliefs, that is, "fuck the US government." #firstworldanarchy