Everyone knows Trump isn't religious, unless he can somehow draw a parallel between himself and Jesus or something.
But yeah, people voted for Trump because he doesn't give a damn about any other country besides the USA and its hardly the kind of guy to kowtow to an old foreign guy dressed like a wizard claiming to be a representative of God.
This is literally why people elected him.
The majority of US Christians are protestant, as is Trump, so the Pope wouldn't get a say either way.
It should be noted that while most American Christians are indeed Protestant, they are divided sharply. Even when put in general groupings directly below the level of "Protestants", the Catholic Church becomes the largest Christian organization in the US.
And despite common presumptions that Trump isn't religious, there's plenty of evidence that he's about as faithful as your average Christian.
He's been involved since he was a child, just not in the fashion that heartland evangelicals are accustomed to and demand (publicly) in their political candidates.
I suspect a lot of this has to do with lingering stereotypes about secular people.
Surely Mr. Pleasures Of The Flesh Real Estate Mogul isn't
really a disciple of Christ. Christianity is a religion of the
poor and the
humble. Yeah right. Trump is fully in line with prosperity and non-evangelical churches. He is the man of the hour for Christian politics, if nothing else.