there's something else broken and this is more a band-aid than a splint.
This is fundamentally the issue with all such lawmaking honestly, no one addresses the problem, just the symptoms.
Well treating the problems are much more tricky politically for multiple reasons
1) Voters are stupid and don't know that things cost money
2) You are only elected for 4 years
3) People hate eachother
But I am being very... basic... I think our political system is set up more to deal with symptoms then to fix problems. We often rely on technology to fix the problems for us so we don't have to make the sweeping changes needed to create genuine growth.
And then there's the people who constantly try rip off the little band-aids that have been taped over it under the same pretense, yet never do anything about actually addressing the problem
That is true as well. A lot of the time it feels like politicians are spiteful and just go back and forth between party policies.
"Errr! You are providing equitable housing for the poor? But that isn't our plan! clearly it is bad. We will remove it and replace it with our own... uhh... later"
Though the general reasoning is usually "We don't want the American people to get used to it, because they it will never be able to be removed"