So here's my predicition for the Trump Presidency:
Two terms that will be exactly like last month.
That is to say, a stable majority-disapproval and constant rumbling of conspiracy. A continuous drone of "disturbing revelations that signal the end of the Trump presidency." High-ranking officials being forced to step down, but never the big names. No real change in opinion polls. Continuous rollback of civil rights, and continuous attacks on our environment. A spending spree for the military and tax cuts for the wealthy. Somehow the Republicans will maintain their status as "fiscal conservatives."
The only substantive change will be a war which will not change public opinion but will be used as an excuse for congressional Democrats to avoid pressing the regime.
The midterm elections will be loud, but the democrats will lose ground. As little as they've responded to their Presidential failures, they've done even less to respond to their failures in state governments.
In 2020, Trump will enjoy a very similar win. The Democrats will run Hillary again. She will lose again in much the same way, although she will win the popular vote by a smaller margin. Alternatively, the Democrats will run a dark-haired white male named Paul who has no perceptible personality.