TL:DR - Collapse of Industry makes people desperate. Desperate people support idiots. Desperate people need help to not be desperate, so that they stop floundering and make real social progress instead of clinging to a bloated life boat in a toupee.
Which makes it so damned annoying when they fight against national health care, education, climate science, general science, and (in my case at least) outright wealth distribution.
Trump says 'lol maga,' and people eat it up. Democrats and liberals actually makes proposals to help people, and we get told we're "SJWs that want to control what I think" and "evil socialists bound to destroy the economy."
If it will make you feel any better... This might lead to a huge Liberal/Democrat swing next election.
Assuming Trump doesn't win again due to America's fear of change.
I can dream, but remember that most believed that the current election would turn out the same way. At this point I'm betting on Trump not only winning again but managing to repeal the restriction on presidential terms so he can keep making America great again.
I jest only slightly. I'm done underestimating what he can accomplish.
Democrats and liberals actually makes proposals to help people, and we get told we're "SJWs that want to control what I think" and "evil socialists bound to destroy the economy."
This is what I always hear in person, and each time I hear it it's driving me closer to snapping: "The liberals
want everyone to be dependent on the government so it can control them!" That's usually followed by vaguely racist comments and the mention of welfare queens.
Unrelated to your comment, but maybe only the southeast has that racist undertone and unspoken resentment of a falsely perceived foe in the lazy liberal who only wants handouts and doesn't want to work.
Then again, if I ever look at Fox News and its comment section, about 50% of the comments that respond to anyone disagreeing with the article are, "Get a job, libtard!" That implies it's a national thing. The "Chimp in Chief" comments up through Trump's inauguration imply the racism is pretty national too.
Fox News and Brietbart comments (I must be a masochist, truly) also strongly imply that support for Trump is at least very strongly supported by the "Haha we beat the liberals start so crying you sissies!" mindset. By that logic it really almost doesn't matter what Trump does.