Protests, comments, and calls are a good response to this. People trash these things because they do not directly force the desired response, this is short-sighted. It's true that, as we've seen with the open comment bank, these folks will put themselves in denial to do what they want.
However, it is equally true that the members of government are more or less aware of people power. Everybody in the government is constantly maneuvering on one another all the time. They are the boats on the ocean of constituents. They mostly have power to move as they wish, but the constituency is more powerful than them when it takes unified action. Politicians want to take advantage of those currents when they can and avoid them when it looks like they're about to get sunk.
Visible signs of "DO NOT WANT" are what are needed because they can be persuasive. More idealistic members of government (and there are some, I continue to believe) want to do what's right for America and can be persuaded by this, in much the same way that they can be persuaded by lobbyists belonging to the ISPs. If only one of those groups are talking, the winner is pre-ordained.
The probable majority of pragmatic and power-obsessed members of government can also be persuaded by this method. Any politician who can survive on the national level is without question aware of the sudden dangers that can arise over specific points of controversy. Anything that looks to them like it could end with "decided to spend more time with his family" is registered and responded to before it can reach that level.
Ironically, the much-criticized corpulent party system can work in our favor here, because it ties all the Republicans together. Even complaining outside of the more-ineffable executive branch can have an effect because it can convince the rest of the party to be all like "Uh, Donny, this is looking pretty bad, could you maybe, y'know...."
Yes, none of this is a guarantee. No, that doesn't actually matter for the conclusion of what you should do. Fucking protest. This is literally the "I can't ask her out because she could say no" of politics.