is another boss or CEO hair brained illegal scheme Good luck trying to tell them they can't do it if you work for them though. I'm sorry, I usually don't wish for people to get in trouble but he totally broke the law. He's been warned repeatedly and nobody is forcing him to do this because he has so many other options it's not funny.. You can't do some sort of not defined lottery. There are rules for those and then the whole money thing is just a mess during an election anyhow. You can't give water to people in line to vote, but he can pull this? Ok, whatever. least, there may be some accountability because gen Z is hearing Trump's "Grab them by the *****," tapes, some for the first time. I'm hoping my faith in the next generation isn't misplaced. I'm hoping they are smart enough to hear this stuff and call it wrong, because it is wrong. This is just the tip of the iceberg with Trump's sexual misconduct (he's been sued and lost in court and all that too with judgements hanging over him). I don't know, because there are still a ton of people who heard them originally and it didn't phase them one bit.“I don’t think any of my friends had heard it,” said Kate Sullivan, a 21-year-old student in Ohio who heard the tape for the first time on her TikTok For You feed this week. “We all felt equally shocked.”
Some of the trending “Access Hollywood” TikToks came from older users who heard Trump’s comments the first time around. But for people like Sullivan, who will vote for the first time in Tuesday’s election, the discovery cast both the 2016 and 2024 elections in a new light.
Did people know about the tape before they voted in 2016? she asked a Post reporter.
Yes, the tape came out before Election Day.
“I just recently got into politics,” she said. “The fact that people knew about this, and he still won, is pretty wild to me.”
Yes. Come on kids. Show those of us who believe in you we aren't wrong to believe in you. Yeah, people knew and didn't care and they were wrong for that.
Be better than other people were when they messed up. Learn from the mistakes other people made and don't repeat them. I want to have faith that you're smarter.
Look at the facts and think and Vote.