Since you're accusing me of doing to you what you are in fact doing to me, you must be a Democrat.
That's actually very funny meta-humour, given who the people who accused people of doing what they were doing actually were. Are we going into "I know you are, you said you are, but what am I?" territory?
Only replying so that those who have you on ignore can share in the joke.
That aside:
As I nearly have said on the not-WW3 thread, I don't think it's a coincidence that Putin waited until Angela Merkel stepped aside. What you really need is someone like her as leader. Solid, has a lot of person experience with east-of-the-iron-wall psychology and probably even would have support of many in the religious sphere (which seems to matter far more than it should do, compared to everything else a President has to deal with).
You don't have her (or anyone obviously like her) as an available candidate, the birthright thing getting in the way of it actually ever
being her (should she even be willing). Right now you don't need warhawk or chickenhawk but someone with presence and conviction. I think Biden could do it, as the one who needs to, but he needs to put more effort into it.
Unfortunately, there seemed no real opportunity to move from Trump's brand of so-called-presidency into even the better-subset of Reaganesque reaction to the (not yet so palpable) Russian threat. Even though we now know he was failing and ailing, he had his filmstar experience behind him (for which reality-star experience was a poor substitute, especially when otherwise so handicapped). What the American public got as a choice, those not still suckered by the previous sucker, was the safe not-Trump option. And because Hillary was besmirched (as much wrongly as for any really good reasons) she was excluded - although if she had not been shut out, and was currently in power, I'm wondering if she'd have been a better option for today's main issue. Or even have precluded it, somehow.
Harris might well turn out to be competent, but is untested and too fresh a face, IMO. Better than a Dan Quail, probably, but not yet H.W. Bush level of potentially ascendent VP. Again, her selection was to a different philosophy than what is needed right now. The world changes like that, as we know.
I obviously have a limited view of the current field of potential presidential material, though maybe I've already heard of whoever comes next. The ones jockeying for power, or the ones
already in line of succession in case of a series of unfortunate accidents, might contain amongst them the "President you need right now" (going with the assumption that Biden is insufficiently that).
But my parallel-universe-viewer is broken at the moment. Its spare parts are currently sitting in the one where New Zealand dominates the global football scene.
All forms of football.