Biden gave an arbitrary deadline of 9/11 (which was bad optics,) then decided to leave hastily in July, leaving military equipment (including tanks and aircraft) to the Taliban, and people stranded.
You probably forget that Trump had set May 1st as
his withdrawal date. Not that I think it would have happened then, but the draw-down for that would have been even more hasty (or incomplete).
Logistics-wise, you cannot leave bases of combat personnel alone in forward (or 'backward') firebases without a significant proportion of support staff. And (for better or worse) clearly the intent was also to not telegraph the departure. Try cutting
that Gordian Knot without one or other compromise. 20:20 (or even 20:21) hindsight is wonderful. In a gradual retreat, at what point do you put the anchors on (and even reverse the build-down) as the biding Taliban run in hot on the heals on the heals of Biden's tail-end troops because they are at least as prepared (and the local army as unprepated) as they obviously were in this case.
And if Biden had encountered those/other problems, or especially if he had just perpetuated the stalemate, you know that would have been cause for cries of "no, you should have...", up to and including just mustering everyone and packing things up as much as possible in just one night. Woulda, coulda, shoulda...
I already said I can't confirm which is the best of all worlds, and that my opinion is just opinion. And so is yours.
(Talk not of vacations. Trump's 'me time' is legendary. If he could properly President while golfing or Twittering, Biden can President from the properly equipped/staffed Camp David, which he was indeed at over the weekend but returned from on Monday and has not, SFAICT, returned to.)
Maybe I shouldn't have even mentioned my thoughts on this. I'd been mulling them over since the flash departure from Camp Bastion (as much as applied at the time) and so on. It's much too early to have a decent analysis. In the context of female entitlement it rather rolled out. Even with a bit of Pre-Post Editing, as I recall, to give it more brevity - not that you'd know that.
(Feelo, at the risk of more argument, the mud has come thicker from your hands. Which I think comes from overthinking on your part. I know a lot about overthinking, and I cringe for having just demonstrated it here. The bit-bucket is far fuller of my backspaced/abandoned/filtered post-texts than you'd credit.)