Someone needs to explain this to Trump in terms he'd understand. Would he allow anyone to profit off of the Trump name and his personal information without his express consent? No, he wouldn't. Completely setting aside the privacy issue, why should anyone, Americans or otherwise, have to allow someone to sell their information? Corporate trade secrets are protected, business intelligence is secrets and are protected, but your information, which is worth a ton of money to advertisers? Not protected. Everyone should effectively have copyright on their own personal information and should be able to sell it and license it how they want, or it should be in the books that it's illegal to sell it without your consent. Except people are too stupid and lazy to think of it that way. When what you do on the internet became valuable to advertisers was the time to assert people's right to control and profit from their own personal information. But no one was thinking that far ahead. And now the advertising world essentially thinks they're entitled to this data. If I'm going to be shit spammed with ads that an algorithm thinks I would fall for because of my actual traffic data, and some jerk is going to make money off it whether I buy anything or not, then I want a fucking cut of that.
Oh well. Guess it's time to start digging in to the next level of identity protection on the web.