You yourself argued not a few pages ago that temporary sterilization was something you wanted more normalized, because you thought the odds of that failing were sufficiently low compared to hormonal and barrier methods to be distinctive. Now deciding to be pregnant and have sex are the same?
Take a page from your own book, wierd - if you're going to strut your asexuality as giving you a better risk assessment of sex, then you
also must accept that your asexuality leaves you bereft of fully understanding the social and personal significance of sex to the allosexual majority of humanity. Why exactly should I or anyone else even give your position the time of day, even in the case that it really did give you better risk assessment? We must all accept some degree of risk and the inevitability of age and death in our behaviors, and so even that which
is destructive should not necessarily be shunned, as is accepted every time someone turns on their car.
Also, you're just straight up wrong about the meaning of the pair-bond thing. You cited a study about prairie voles that mentioned they suffered when their partners were lost to them and lost Oxytocin. But this is not the source of their bonding changes. As the summary states:
However, as the explanations get passed on by word of mouth, the pitfall of oversimplification can turn quickly to misunderstanding and inaccuracy.
The truth is that people can damage their ability to bond, but it is not because of a decrease in Oxytocin production. It is a much more complicated process involving brain molding, other neurochemicals and higher brain functions.
I take umbrage with the use of the word damage here - it is a value judgement and bad science to use it, since they go on to state:
However, when an individual choses to engage in casual sex, breaking bond after bond with each new sexual partner, the brain forms a new synaptic map of one-night –stands. This pattern becomes the “new normal” for the individual.
That's not "damage". That's "use it or lose it", which we have known was a fundamental principle of brain function and growth for a long, long time. It doesn't have anything more to do with sex than changes in language skill do.
What I'm saying is: You're going to Science Hell for your words and deeds wierd, repent!