Except for the problem where having it carry such a high risk makes it safer to avoid being tested and have sex anyways, risking your life and the lives of others because it disincentivizes getting tested so harshly for certain groups.
Let's say something happens and you think you got infected with HIV but weren't sure, continued having sex, then your partner gets tested and finds out they have it, they suggest you get tested, you happen to mention you suspected you were infected for a while now, they decide to press charges, what now? Should you have lied and said you were tested before and clean but will get tested now, letting them think they infected you? Shouldn't a law which discourages people from getting important medical tests and raising the risks involved rather than encouraging safer behavior overall be changed?
It's the same way there was an uproar over decriminalizing child prostitution, you get blurb headlines "IT'S LEGAL TO BANG KID HOOKERS IN CALIFORNIA" when it was actually "it's now safe for those kids to seek help getting away from those situations and hey, we could even get them to help us put away the fuckers who started them hooking in the first place!" but that isn't as clickworthy of a headline.
Also, the whole thing with Trump being fact-checked mid-hearing was fantastic, but the same place where I read about it also mentioned Ivanka getting an office and whatnot at the White House without actually holding an official position, and someone suggested Trump wanted to live out his own Lewinsky fantasy... and I can't unread it, so dammit I'm sharing the pain!