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Author Topic: AmeriPol thread  (Read 4222586 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: AmeriPol thread
« Reply #36930 on: May 24, 2020, 11:18:57 pm »

I would like that too, very much so.

The PROBLEM, is that the majority of the electorate WANT the wolves.  Either because they are afraid that an actual hunter will force them to leave the false safety of their (tax) shelters, and go out and do the needful-- Or because they themselves fancy themselves as wolves, and think the wolves are their brothers.

It is the former that this message is for.  It is a fucking crime against humanity, in the absolute truest sense, that I have to put my foot down on this chicanery like this.  Otherwise, they will continue to 1) DO NOTHING about the wolves, and 2) Keep stating that I am cahoots with them for not bending over for their ever more opulent bullshit, while the retainer wall around the village continues TO FUCKING ROT.

No. If we ever want to get rid of the wolves, we have to let two things happen at this point.

1) The Dems that are so fucking focused on their stock portfolios need to not have stock portfolios to obsess about anymore, so that they can look up and see that there are holes in the damn walls, the perimeter wall around the village is gone, people are starving in the streets, and there is rampant plague.  **MAYBE** it's time to do something about those things now? Hmm?

2) The people dressed up like wolves need to get eaten by their "Furry Friends".

That means inviting hell to breakfast. 

As for the "They will if you stop getting monsters elected" retort- NO. NO THEY WONT.

Do I really need to bring up the fact that Obama and Dubya were totally buddies outside of the office?

« Last Edit: May 24, 2020, 11:36:31 pm by wierd »


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Re: AmeriPol thread
« Reply #36931 on: May 24, 2020, 11:51:38 pm »

Hey, Ensorcellor. One quick note to make. I can't speak for Weird here, but I know that most people I know who are against Biden still plan on Voting for down-ballot races, including senators. It's not a purely binary choice come November, where one's vote goes. I'm not sure where my presidential vote goes yet. Depends on Biden's VP pick, and how things are going.
In any case it would be a battle of critical thinking and I refuse to fight an unarmed individual.
One mustn't stare into the pathos, lest one become Pathos.


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Re: AmeriPol thread
« Reply #36932 on: May 24, 2020, 11:54:16 pm »

The likes of McConnell and his fishmen cronies need to die in the hot sun.

I will vote accordingly.  But biden?  Fuck that sack of shit.

The Ensorceler

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Re: AmeriPol thread
« Reply #36933 on: May 24, 2020, 11:56:06 pm »

Dude I complain about Obama every time he's mentioned and I was too young to vote in his election. This is not an incredible gotcha you have here that justifies "therefore nazis ending the world is a sound plan, Trump 2032 apocalypse now baybee".

Biden promised no pardons, states and the house are out for blood. You are in the middle of your backlash against wolves and insisting that people are too stupid to change with a mere .5% of the population scheduled to die to incompetence. Gotta get those numbers up before you'll finally stop campaigning against your allies like, oh, Bernie who is y'know, backing Biden and not fucking Trump. Maybe 2%, 5%? 10%? How far are you trying to push this?


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Re: AmeriPol thread
« Reply #36934 on: May 25, 2020, 12:00:29 am »


We have had the lesser evil for almost 70 years now.  It has not stopped a single wolf.

THAT is my motherfucking point.  Instead, we have fucking doggie doors on the village wall. (Regulatory capture, revolving door with lobbyists and government, et al.)

Biden has PROMISED no pardon, but Obama promised to close Gitmo-- and Clinton repealed Glass-Stegal.

Take off the rose colored glasses. PLEASE.


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Re: AmeriPol thread
« Reply #36935 on: May 25, 2020, 12:09:42 am »

And none of that will be solved by accelerationism.


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Re: AmeriPol thread
« Reply #36936 on: May 25, 2020, 12:12:43 am »

On the contrary. There are only 2 outcomes to accelerated decline.

1) The country fucking implodes, soviet union style, and we can no longer export our horror to the rest of the world en-mass--- A loss for us, but a boon to the world, so bittersweet outcome.

2) The people so fucking desperate to keep their stock portfolios active lose their fucking shirts, and and need the safetynets that they meticulously cut down for generations to make a profit, and suddenly decide that YES-- WE REALLY IN FACT DO NEED THOSE.

We end up with bittersweet, and and slightly sweeter bittersweet.


The Ensorceler

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Re: AmeriPol thread
« Reply #36937 on: May 25, 2020, 12:26:49 am »

I'll take enforce fair voting and destroy the GOP forever, please. If Trump wins he'll veto everything congress passes and his base will rally.

Those are not bittersweet. Those are death. Corporate welfare is fully intact, and the megarich are global. They will never lose power without a small-d democratic push to shut them down. That means not voting for nazi massacre of your comrades.


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Re: AmeriPol thread
« Reply #36938 on: May 25, 2020, 12:28:15 am »


The fucking pandemic is global, and there is nowhere for the golden parachutes to land.

The problem that you keep overlooking, is what I have pointed out since the start-- the majority of the population *WANT THE WOLVES*

You will never get fair voting, because the electorate actively thwart that effort. The Maga-hat wearing idiots amongst us are about a 50:50 split.  The BEST you can get is a stalemate.

That option is dead in the cradle.  CANDY IS NOT ON THE MENU.
« Last Edit: May 25, 2020, 12:31:07 am by wierd »

The Ensorceler

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Re: AmeriPol thread
« Reply #36939 on: May 25, 2020, 12:45:37 am »

What are you talking about? Covid19 doesn't kill at a rate high enough to just wipe out the rich, and theyve got better access to medical treatments. If your plan is just siding with nazis and covid because enough death has to fix something eventually you've lost your way.

Trump's base is like 35% of the electorate max, and even adding in the rest of the GOP they lost the general by 3 million votes. Lefty policy regularly polls better than either party when not framed as socialism, and there's an enormous block of disenfranchised voters in prison and/or poverty who have no love at all for the wealthy.

Who is going to do the revolutionizing when we've all been massacred by nazis? GOPers with regrets?


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Re: AmeriPol thread
« Reply #36940 on: May 25, 2020, 12:49:07 am »

The economics brother.

The shutdown is GLOBAL.

G L O B A L.

There is nowhere on the planet where the "Economy is JUUUUUUST FINE!" and where they can just move their money to.  NOWHERE.

The golden parachute crowd needs a V-shaped recovery to stay in the game.
Basically every expert on the planet forcasts a much more dire outcome.

That will happen regardless of which president is in the office.
Trump in there, basically guarantees the US will fail financially, and with nowhere else in the world for the moneyed elite to hoarde up power (because everwhere else is having the same problems getting basic supplies, let alone opulent wealth, because of the global catastrophe that the shutdowns have imposed), they will die too.

« Last Edit: May 25, 2020, 12:51:43 am by wierd »


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Re: AmeriPol thread
« Reply #36941 on: May 25, 2020, 12:58:14 am »

It's not that big of a deal. Half the country doesn't vote anyway. A few protest votes(or lack of votes) is not going to change much.

There's more to gain by encouraging turnout in people too lazy, to busy, or just generally too apathetic to vote by rousing up the fearmongering than there is to go after the angsty "Burn it all down" sector.

Again, I don't like the way things are, but it is the way things are, and all you can do is play the hand you're dealt and hope it turns out the other guy has an even worse hand. Folding every hand you don't get a set of winning cards on the deal is a strategy, but it doesn't generally get you very far.

The Ensorceler

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Re: AmeriPol thread
« Reply #36942 on: May 25, 2020, 01:05:57 am »

Not your brother, or your dude.

The megarich aren't really losing here. Bezos is getting richer faster than before. The others will lose money, but they will lose less than the poors and have a very easy time buying things up.

Paywall, or at least account-wall. Too tired tonight to bother. There wont be a shutdown if the GOP goes full nazi. You've seen what Trump wants here with his bloody easter plan, and Bezos has proved it's quite easy to make money hand over fist if you can justify not shutting down. The worker fatality lawsuits don't matter when the GOP pushes legislation explicitly labling those deaths inevitable and not the company's fault. You're playing with fascists, and they wont bother to protect public health if they win.


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Re: AmeriPol thread
« Reply #36943 on: May 25, 2020, 01:11:59 am »

Ahh, the 1918 flu data shows us that failure to close early and hard (which the GOP does NOT want to do!) results in the slow, deadly recovery later.

The GOP being the GOP, and refusing to shut down, will only cause mass deaths, *AND* a longer lasting economic hardship.  That is what historical data shows us.

Current data shows us that reopening too soon will result in a massive death spike that overloads the health industry, causing many more deaths than from just the virus, as otherwise preventable illnesses go untreated, and people with stuff like strokes, heart attacks, and acute diabetic attacks go untreated, because all the ICU beds are full of covid.

Them going Full Nazi, will result in the US imploding, not going "successful 4th reich".   They are too incompetent to manage this pandemic, you really think they will be competent enough to run a dictatorship?

As or Bezos and pals:

He is running on borrowed momentum.  His industry (amazon) relies on global distribution, which heavily leverages China.  There is only so much reserve capacity China has, and even now, the wait times on Amazon deliveries are spread out to 2 weeks or longer, WITH PRIME.

A market can only make money when there is product inside it, and China has been trying to reopen unsuccessfully for 6 months now.  If this goes the way the economists predict, Amazon will be out of product before the end of the year.

And that "not your brother" slight?  That's why you have such a hard time in the world. An offered banch of attempted cordiality, rejected in such a blunt fashion, does you no service. "Brother" is a gender neutral invocation in that respect. Your insistence on your gender identity politics blinds you to that, and you lose people that would otherwise be sympathetic to you.  I know I have lost some just now.
« Last Edit: May 25, 2020, 01:19:19 am by wierd »

The Ensorceler

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Re: AmeriPol thread
« Reply #36944 on: May 25, 2020, 02:06:57 am »

I rejected it gender-neutrally, too. I'm not your sibling or you pal either when you want to legislate my friends to death. It was not cordial, either. Throwing around variations of buddy to someone you're arguing with over their right to exist isn't 'friendly'. It's manipulative. Because you are arguing I should die for the economy. A different vision of it, than the one the mega-rich want. But it's still for the economy, and you're still backing a GOP you hope will go full nazi.

I won't be polite about this, but I will be calm. I do not need your sympathy, because you already expect my friends to die for you. Okay, bro?

It's fighting words, see? I wasn't going to stick it on at the end except to point this out. It's a challenge, which uncontested forces someone to follow your lead to avoid making a scene. Rejected, you can easily blame the other person for overreacting. It's not at all something you should be doing to a friend.

I'm gonna get some sleep. I suspect this post's less than coherent in places already. Good night, but I hope you have a nightmare about being hunted by facists like the one I had a month or two ago. Apologies again for the ok bro thing, I'm not really trying to start shit. Just... ugh. Don't be a nazi, don't encourage genocide. I thought it was a low bar on the thread. If it keeps up I'm gonna bounce for a few days so's nobody gets banned and my mental health isnt bogged down in a forever argument.
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