Unsurprisingly, I think there will be a lot more interest in things like relocating/reconstructing local supply chains/manufacturing, less tolerance for "outsource all the things and slash all the costs, SHARE PRICE MUST GO UP, SHAREHOLDERS AND CEOS MUST BE REWARDED MORE" bullshit, and a much wider audience willing to listen to dicussions about things like reversing the trend where all social safety nets must be eliminated directly, sabotaged if not, and demonized if nothing else.
Whole bunch of folks are going to find it harder to cheer for the murderous cuntbags talking about picking yourself up by your bootstraps, especially after they had to boil and eat their boots to survive.
I still don't expect the stupid mouthbreathers dreaming of getting a whiff of Trump's ass to turn on him, they're not living in the same world the rest of us were, so I doubt they will notice or care about the changes happening to the world we're going to be living in.
I do however think that if the election in Nov was a choice between the orange bitchbaby and an empty chair, the empty chair would win.
I'm not even sure Hillary could have fucked up and managed to lose again in this situation, but as the true scale and horror of things becomes both impersonally huge and personally felt by each and every little cluster of survivors looking at the gaps where the dead should be, I wouldn't be too excited to be on weakboy's reelection team even if this wasn't murderfucking the economy which his corporate users(I'd say fans but nobody really likes the guy, but lots of people like using him) require so they can leech off of society without consequence.
The bitchbaby is continually demonstrating how utterly incapable of leadership he is, his reflex to lie and deflect and push the blame off on others is just providing a nonstop trove of free campaign ads for "literally anybody besides this cunt" now.
After we get done laughing about how hilarious him going to prison was we will hopefully also be bidding a hatefilled farebadly to many of the worst parts of the senate and house while the concessions Sanders will be able to get from Biden about pushing a more progressive agenda are going to look a fuckton more popular than they would have been without the protracted strangling of our late capitalist system we might have been stuck with this fall.