Nah, you're absolutely right demographic changes take decades. Short term we're all pretty fucked, and with the state of the GOP and methodology disagreements there ain't really much that can be done about it. S'why I said to do what can be done to keep what can be from going to pot.
The concept of compromise not being taboo would be helpful as well.
There are many reasons and causes for the hyperpartianship, but de-escalating the partianship would only help everybody involved.
I suppose a good place to start is finding common ground, focusing on that, and building on top of that. Theres gotta be common ground even for stuff as polarizing as guns or abortion, but the focus seems to be the disagreements rather than where the common ground is.
I mean... it's great to say that, smj. Basically no one disagrees with it. Now give a go at actually identifying what issues common ground can be reached on, where it hasn't already happened.
Ain't really that compromise is taboo, at the absolute least for many liberal politicians. Lotsa' folks would love to compromise if compromising didn't involve shit like fucking demographics into second class citizens, destroying healthcare access for millions, ruining huge chunks of our education system, so on, so forth. Things being like that, compromise can't particularly be reached. Most of the stuff without that sort of mess being involved in, compromises have already been made.
Short term, there ain't really all that much to do besides hunker down and wait for sentiment of one sort or another to change, so that there's more ground to work with on contentious issues.