a video about the US Census
Somewhat misleading.
While the 10 year census only asks a handful of questions, and is pretty innocuous and has clear and present functions for federal level government, there is also the "basically whenever we want" American Community Survey (or ACS).
The ACS most certainly does ask all kinds of penetrating questions about how consumerist you are, how much you drive, how often you shop online, if you have internet, and a bunch of other things.
The census bureau of course, *INSISTS* that the provision that enables the 10 year census *ALSO* covers the ACS. (Because nobody will challenge that.)
Here's the form for your review.
https://www2.census.gov/programs-surveys/acs/methodology/questionnaires/2019/quest19.pdf?Notice how it asks a lot more questions than what Oliver states. Including questions about race, education, income, home ownership, and a bunch of stuff. True, it does not have questions about roofing materials, like Orange Moron states--- but it does ask way too many questions. The assertion about "confidentiality" is bogus as well, because that many data points on a single respondent is more than sufficient to de-anonymize the responder.
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Data_re-identificationhttps://mashable.com/article/anonymous-data-sets-easily-de-anonymized/ (which cites a study,
https://www.nature.com/articles/s41467-019-10933-3.pdf , which states that 99.98% of identities can be de-anonymized by correlating 15 datapoints. There are more than that in the ACS form.)
Further, its reason for existing is this (and I am quoting directly from the census website on this): "The American Community Survey (ACS) helps local officials, community leaders, and businesses understand the changes taking place in their communities. It is the premier source for detailed population and housing information about our nation."
Note how businesses are included here. This is totally not about getting or losing seats in the house or senate; this is about infrastructure planning, and economic politics. Those are things totally not intended by the census provision of the constitution. As such, the statement made by the census people about how they are allowed to compel your compliance should not be tolerated.
Is my response to the American Community Survey required?
If your address was selected for the American Community Survey, you are legally obligated to answer all the questions, as accurately as you can. The relevant laws are Title 18 U.S.C Section 3571 and Section 3559, which amends Title 13 U.S.C. Section 221.
Your answers are important. The American Community Survey is sent to a small percentage of our population on a rotating basis. As part of a sample, you represent many other people. Learn how you can respond to the survey today.
Why is the ACS required by law?
Response to the survey is required by law because the American Community Survey is part of the decennial census, replacing the "long form" that previously was sent to a percentage of households once every 10 years. Learn more about what would happen to the American Community Survey if it was not required.
As you can see, I am rather non-plussed by the ACS, but have no problems with the 10 year census.
The census bureaucrats however, love the shit out of it. Sorry, this just has me triggered. I really hate the idea that the ACS is considered in the same level of "nationally required for elected government to function" as the 10 year census. They are not the same thing and serve vastly different roles.