PFP. 6:23am. May be late for work but THIS IS MORE IMPORTANT BLAAAAAAH [also sucky innernets has me loading forum pages for MINUTES :V]
First off, Jeez, you're all so quick to jump the gun. I am a reporter.
I didn't want to claim because I didn't really know why I would. I still don't trust doll, and think he is scum.
Especially because we know that that fillipk was trustworthy.
Last night, I followed TBF, because I wanted to make sure I was wasn't making a scum friend. He did not go
anywhere. Anyone else can confirm this. Please. I would appreciate it.
Oh yeah, doll.
...Man, your scumteam didn't really help you much did it?
I am an investigative scientist. I picked those tracking devices.
I booped Shakerag and RattyB yesterday. I nodded to doll as a subtle agreement that he's telling the truth (but wat to the claim)
RattyB visited IronOwl. The flavor has him ripped to shreds [flavor = indicative of what kill and whom; humans have guns, aliems have zap zap boom tech stuff, dopps have SHREDDY CLAWS]
...Also my second list was webadict and doll and I sent it to Meph when I woke up at that 2 hour loltimezone thing.
And then tracking devices were day actions :VREASONS FO RLATER BECAUSE LOLNET AAAAAAA, reasons partly from my DAY ONE NOTES (whcih is why I dispute that thing doll said about lacking effectivity/usefulness_
TBF: Can you elaborate on that a bit?
Can I just say that I am certain that RattyB cannot have done what he claims to have done, for any number of possibly mutually-conflicting reasons?
Can I ask you how you are extremely certain or at least that's how I read your post back there regarding that?
At this moment I feel very secure with:
> Doll (albeit follow Shakey--his claim and the notion that NOBODY COULD'VE KNOWN THAT I DID unless he deeply infered my action and jumped on a claim, which is...also just as possible but extremely risky, but yeah, still)
> Shakeyshake (although he can be some kind of person who doesn't leave his room :V) and/or dopp accomplice
> Uhh, yeah. Work. Brevity. Conciseness hopefully
Why not post them publicly? I mean you could've spent the time you weren't posting here making up several reads lists to PM to different folks, given that in the later game people are going to be reading other people based on their reads as much as anything else.
Because I was waiting for Ratty/Wubby/doll's reactions given my funstuff with Meph and action understanding sendiing.
But if this isn't to me then blame my innernets--I can't even LOAD QUOTES because lolslowdown and I've to go right now as it's 6:30 just typing up this whole post! :I
TBF: Can you elaborate on that a bit?
Can I just say that I am certain that RattyB cannot have done what he claims to have done, for any number of possibly mutually-conflicting reasons?
I WANT DETAILS FROM YOU, PUNK :I [/oldnoirdetectivevoice]