Victor sat back in his chair, defeated in a sense.
"I'm not sure what you want from me. I'm not sure if there's anything I could do for you. It's far too late to be a father, far too late rectify my mistake. I'm sure you have no intention of claiming your inheritance, now more than ever. If you just want to yell at me, degrade me, the least I can do now is bear the brunt of your anger."Victoria remained silent, unable to sort out her thoughts.
"I'm not aware of any attempt to detain any of the witch's mercenaries in Lord Frealde's territory before the ban was in place. Well, except for the attempted capture of an Ilian agent who broke into Lord Frealde's magical vault and stole magical contraband that's outlawed even without the ban; such berserk staves and high potency magical tomes. And to clarify, the ban was only put in place early this year because of the threat the witch poses to the country. We haven't even bothered to go after mages not associated with the witch."
"Bah! Mercenaries, the lot of ya! I suppose you'd turn on her if you were offered an increase? Not that I, nor Lord Frealde, are offering that much coin for some misfits that wandered into a war. As for your question, we confiscated orders with her signature on them. With her other actions that may as well be indisputable evidence."No sooner than Gage had finished speaking there was a loud "BOOM!" and the manor briefly shook.
"What the hell was that!?""It came from the cells, sir!Gage realized that they had made a fatal error. As if to prove him correct, a sole set of footsteps echoed in the now slient manor. After an agonizing minute for the manor guard, their worst fear rounded the corner. The swordsman nearest the corner stamered out a report as he backed away to the wall.
"S-Sir it's her! It's the witch!"
"I've told you fools that I despise being called that. I am Sybil Hallewell and you will refer to me as such."As she rounded the corner she caught a glimpse of Eric and Ava. For once she was unable to hide her surprise.
"I did not expect to see you all here. At least not with these guards still standing. I had thought you would have quickly gone after Cullen to mount a rescue. Or you would have dealt with all in your path to reach me." A miscalculation. How rare.