This whole situation continued to perturb Zephyr even after they had started moving again.
Damn, I didn't want to get caught up in this mess; just wanted to make some quick and easy gold and disappear for a while. Now that that witch has gotten me involved I don't think that's possible... Briefly brought out of his thoughts by Brady's question, Zephyr answered curtly.
"None of your business if you want Sybil to hire you."
"Alright people let's pick up the pace. If we're lucky we'll make it back before it gets dark."
Almost right on target with Zephyr's guess, the group arrived just as the sun was beginning to set; however, they arrived in the middle of a massive commotion. People, presumably under Sybil's employ, were running back and forth hauling everything from crates stuffed full of documents and scrolls to furniture into wagons.
"We'd better find out what's going on, and-" Zephyr was cut off by the approach of a man in burnt red armor. He was already fairly tall and his armor added to his bulk, coupled with his stern expression it made for an intimidating appearance.
"And just who are you and your group of misfits? As you can see we're awfully busy, so I suggest you pedal your wares elsewhere."Zephyr withheld a growl.
"I've been delayed enough as it is today and I don't have time for you. I was supposed to be here hours ago and drop off some supplies I was contracted to bring. Now, if you'll excuse me, I'll do just that." Without warned Zephyr spurred his horse and maneuvered around the man.
"Just ask the apprentice if I'm legit or not!" he called back at the armored man.
"Apprentice?" His eyes scanned the group, eventually seeing Seaiga in their midst. After studying her for a bit he grunted.
"Hmph. Your master is waiting for you by the door," he said before clanking away, surely off to intimidate someone else.
True to the man's word Sybil was indeed in the doorway of her mansion. Seeing the group, but mostly Seaiga, she seemed to brighten up as they approached.
"I see you all made it back safely, though you've more than doubled in number. Care to explain?"