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Author Topic: Fire Emblem on Forums: Magi Wars IC Thread Chapter 5: At the Gates of Victory  (Read 108713 times)


  • Bay Watcher
  • A knight, returned from a journey weary and long
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Ava ducks under the punch deftly, and pops back up with an irritable expression. "I frigging called it. Y'all are lucky I'm fast."

Wait for Dale's action, and then knife the construct again.
« Last Edit: January 24, 2017, 01:16:11 am by KingMurdoc »
GM of Trespassers V2.
If you like my work, consider becoming a patron. (Since apparently people think this is a requirement: no, my game(s) are free to play and always will be.


  • Bay Watcher
  • The way of Pi
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Quote from: Heal
Dale recovers up to 16 HP!

Dale sinks two arrows into the Construct while Ava hurls a knife with a small pinkish flame at the Construct.

Quote from: Dale Barton Vs Mud Construct E
Hit: 101-6=95
Hit Roll: 84 Crit Roll: 30
Damage: 10-3=7

Mud Construct B Counters!
Hit: 89-18=71
Hit Roll: 55 Crit Roll: 41
Damage: 12-3=9

Dale Attacks Again!
Hit: 101-6=95
Hit Roll: 35 Crit Roll: 27
Damage: 10-3=7

Quote from: Ava Ferrer Vs Mud Construct E
Hit: 104-6=98
Hit Roll: 15 Crit Roll: 34 Ignis Roll: 1!
Damage: 9-3+1=7

The Mud Construct is dead so Eric remains in place.

The larger Construct stares the group down from its defensive position.

Objective: Arrive at 9,1!

Spoiler: HP (click to show/hide)
EXP: 15/100
« Last Edit: January 24, 2017, 11:51:18 am by I_Like_Pi »
My Fire Emblem on Forums: Magi Wars OOC | IC
Magi Wars sidestory: Rotting Empire OOC | IC


  • Bay Watcher
  • The Hollow Street Hero
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  "Great work, team! Should we check out that building to the south?"
SerCon Shorts: This Is How You Do It - Twenty-three one minute or less videos of random stupidity in AC:U, Bloodborne, DS2:SotFS, Salt & Sanctuary, and The Witcher 3.


  • Bay Watcher
  • A knight, returned from a journey weary and long
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"I'll look around, you guys go ahead."

GM of Trespassers V2.
If you like my work, consider becoming a patron. (Since apparently people think this is a requirement: no, my game(s) are free to play and always will be.


  • Bay Watcher
  • The Hollow Street Hero
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  "All right then. After you Eric?"

8,6 and hold.
SerCon Shorts: This Is How You Do It - Twenty-three one minute or less videos of random stupidity in AC:U, Bloodborne, DS2:SotFS, Salt & Sanctuary, and The Witcher 3.


  • Bay Watcher
  • Trans fucking rights, baby.
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[7, 6]
Black lives matter.


  • Bay Watcher
  • The way of Pi
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Moves happen.

Not much here.

Objective: Arrive at 9,1!

Spoiler: HP (click to show/hide)
EXP: 15/100
My Fire Emblem on Forums: Magi Wars OOC | IC
Magi Wars sidestory: Rotting Empire OOC | IC


  • Bay Watcher
  • A knight, returned from a journey weary and long
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    • Patreon

11-8 look around
GM of Trespassers V2.
If you like my work, consider becoming a patron. (Since apparently people think this is a requirement: no, my game(s) are free to play and always will be.


  • Bay Watcher
  • The way of Pi
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Ava looks around the now abandoned fortress.

Quote from: Loot

She stumbles upon what must've been the armory. After a little bit of searching, she finds that it was mostly picked clean, save for a single Iron Dagger.

Ava Ferrer gets an Iron Dagger!

The group gets 5EXP!

Spoiler: HP (click to show/hide)
EXP: 20/100
My Fire Emblem on Forums: Magi Wars OOC | IC
Magi Wars sidestory: Rotting Empire OOC | IC


  • Bay Watcher
  • Trans fucking rights, baby.
    • View Profile

[8, 5] before Eric moves; healprod
Black lives matter.


  • Bay Watcher
  • The Hollow Street Hero
    • View Profile

8,3 and fire at the HMC.
SerCon Shorts: This Is How You Do It - Twenty-three one minute or less videos of random stupidity in AC:U, Bloodborne, DS2:SotFS, Salt & Sanctuary, and The Witcher 3.


  • Bay Watcher
  • The way of Pi
    • View Profile

Quote from: Heal
Eric recovers up to 16 HP!

Quote from: Dale Barton Vs Hardened Mud Construct
Hit: 103-28=75
Hit Roll: 14 Crit Roll: 41
Damage: 10-4-2+1=5

Hardened Mud Construct Counters!
Hit: 84-19-10=55
Hit Roll: 86 Crit Roll: 93

Dale Attacks Again!
Hit: 103-28=75
Hit Roll: 69 Crit Roll: 25
Damage: 10-4-2+1=5

The Larger Construct lets out a roar and swings its extending arms at Dale! Dale dodges but can't manage to hit the Construct.

Quote from: Hardened Mud Construct Vs Dale Barton
Hit: 84-19-10=55
Hit Roll: 80 Crit Roll: 74

Dale Counters!
Hit: 103-28=75
Hit Roll: 86 Crit Roll: 18

Dale Attacks Again!
Hit: 103-28=75
Hit Roll: 86 Crit Roll: 54

Quote from: Fort
Ava recovers 1 HP!

Objective: Arrive at 9,1!

Spoiler: HP (click to show/hide)
EXP: 29/100
« Last Edit: January 24, 2017, 02:55:22 pm by I_Like_Pi »
My Fire Emblem on Forums: Magi Wars OOC | IC
Magi Wars sidestory: Rotting Empire OOC | IC
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