Thanks for the help! By any chance, could you tell me how I could isolate my arena so nothing can escape?
In previous forts I built an archery range to train archers on the
cannon fodder caged enemies. Training archers takes forever and wastes a lot of bolts with archery targets. Live targets work so much better!
What I did was to dig out a 10x10 room and build a wall of fortification 2 tiles in from the wall so that a hallway is made with fortifications on one side facing the larger portion of the room. Also, I left one tile of the fortification wall not constructed so that there was an entrance for placing the cages and attaching to levers as Ironfang suggests. Once all the cages and levers are hooked up, build the last fortification so that the room with the cages is sealed off.
At this point the
slaughter training with live targets begins! Station your markdwarves in the hallway (it needs to be a one tile wide hallway so that they stand by the fortification and will see the enemy) and pull the lever. The markdwarves will keep shooting until nothing moves. At that point, you can remove one of the constructed fortifications and remove the gore. Or leave it. Up to you.
PS Extra fun if you some of the caged creatures are archers. Great way to train your markdwarves in dodging and/or eliminate
worthless dwarves who shouldn't be in the army anyway Urist McNoble.