Sorry for the delay, but I haven't been in the mood for writing, for a while.
Uh, well that. That was goddamn scary. Just a spooky as hell rock formation... or perhaps carving. Either way, creepy, but ultimately harmless. In the investigative mood, you walk over to the bullet casing. Just as rusted as the first, and still looking like something out of a pistol. Without any fanfare, you pick it up, and place it next to its twin. On to the next odd thing in the room, you stroll over to the
crystal. The thing looks undoubtedly sharp, both something that people would never cut, nor what nature would create. An anomaly, to be sure. Lastly, in the interest of preserving battery life, you switch the headlamp into low power mode. For but a second, the world is plunged into darkness, before the bulb reignites into a weaker glow, that only illuminates about four or five meters in front of you. The creepy rock... face is still just as spooky, yet all the more imposing. Elsewhere, the sea urchin-like crystal sparkles from the light. Giving the chamber a once-over, the only destination in through a gap where the cave walls meet the ceiling, just as small as the one that led here in the first place. From the odd angle, you can't see anything beyond the opening.
Health: Excellent
Mood: Spooked, but curious
Hunger: Full Stomach
Thirst: Mildly Thirsty
Winter Garb*
Miner's Headlamp* (91%-Active // Low Power Mode)
Ice Pick/Axe*
20m Rope
Flare Gun (Three Flares)
Glow Stick Pack (5 per Packet)
Rusted Bullet Casings (Two)
Canteen (Full)
Protein Bars (5 Total)
Bag of Trail Mix