My fort just reached the size to have a mayor, and of course, the newly elected mayor is the one, single cruel goblin in the fort. This has happened in many of my forts, a goblin mayor, but this one really is especially notorious.
Yes, all goblins are cruel and evil, but this one lives up to it. Ever since she arrived, she has enjoyed randomly punching people. Then she got moody as all she did was sit in the bar and not drink. Punching increased, causing infections and the death of a not-so-useful dwarf. So, I made her a wood burner. She burnt wood for years and was seeming to really enjoy the constant work away from every one else.
But, then I finally finished building my fort and marrying off dwarf pairs and was ready for reorganization. Miss Punchy Goblin was sent into the army. She got good... really good... and really fast. She really enjoyed charging with a spear and slaughtering goblins, werebeasts, really, just about anything. She always volunteered to be at the front gate guard duty, and she always single handedly took on everything mean that showed up. Perfect soldier!
But, well, the years of slaughtering and standing in the rain must have made her mad again. One day, after killing a were beast, she got slightly upset... no tantrum... just the flashing yellow arrow. Without realizing it for about half a year, she sat at the entrance and speared to death pretty much any dwarf that walked by her. When I realized what Miss Punchy Stabstab Goblin was doing, she was happy as a clam standing in a giant pool of dwarf blood. The last of her victims was the wood burner and miller... well... I took her out of the army and put her back as a wood burner while I built her a maniacal death machine special award for her service.
Just prior to finishing up the repeating goblin-pult (a series of two bridges over a moat designed to determine how many times one can toss a goblin back and forth, you know, for science), I hit the 50 population mark and got a mayor. Yep... Madam Punchy Stabstab Goblin is now in charge.
In a typical situation, I would have just sped up production of the repeating goblin-pult, but there is a twist. Madam Punchy Stabstab Goblin doesn't like anything but gold, dogs, and cockatiels (and I have plenty of gold). That means she will never mandate anything for construction, never demand anything ridiculous, never be voted out of office, and never die a natural death! And being familiar with McMurphy's Law, if I continue with her special award for service, the next mayor will love bismuth bronze, aluminum, catapult parts, crossbows, togas, and clear glass vials.
So, I have a conundrum and ask for your advice. Should I continue with dwarfy justice or just consider them as unfortunate accidents beyond anyone's control? After all, her built up jail time is still less than a decade or so (and no one really did see the Madam Mayor, with the spear, at the front gate). Maybe I should just remove her masterpiece bed and replace it with an exceptional quality one? She'll understand the warning, right? Thoughts?