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Author Topic: DIG: VOTE  (Read 146798 times)

The Lupanian

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Re: DIG: Suspitious Mole
« Reply #600 on: March 01, 2017, 04:06:06 pm »

Climb up to the room where Barg is, open a chest.

Spoiler: "Razorblade" Rede (click to show/hide)
I only ate a few vampire hearts. Like, three tops. I'm sure it'll be fine.

Go check out Shadow of the Void!


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Re: DIG: Suspitious Mole
« Reply #601 on: March 01, 2017, 06:25:00 pm »


Spoiler: Sifeebt, Roa Deathless (click to show/hide)


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Re: DIG: Suspitious Mole
« Reply #602 on: March 01, 2017, 07:15:20 pm »


Spoiler: Sifeebt, Roa Deathless (click to show/hide)
Before horror ensues, let's give Sifeebt a good chance to murder. I'm doing his damage x 5. [9x5] 45 damage.
Damn, too bad for that super high Body score eh?

So, Where is mr. mole? Still in the control center?


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Re: DIG: Squish
« Reply #603 on: March 01, 2017, 07:33:22 pm »

You sit down in the control room and Dive down to the second level right behind your new medical friend.



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Re: DIG: Suspitious Mole
« Reply #604 on: March 01, 2017, 10:57:57 pm »

Well, the good thing is that he's conduit to a low level entity. You guys might want to not let things manifest themselves in your control room in the future. It could end poorly.

The good news too is that He's manifesting next an even more powerful deep entity, so when it bursts out of Maurice and splatters the inside of the control room with mole guts, it immediately gets shoved right out of the bore. It smashes through one of the glass panes of the control room and gets thrown down into the cave with the rest of the team. Or rather about halfway there. It stops  maybe 35 feet down and begins hovering in place.

Radio Controlled

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Re: DIG: Suspitious Mole
« Reply #605 on: March 02, 2017, 07:36:50 am »

Well, the good thing is that he's conduit to a low level entity. You guys might want to not let things manifest themselves in your control room in the future. It could end poorly.

The good news too is that He's manifesting next an even more powerful deep entity, so when it bursts out of Maurice and splatters the inside of the control room with mole guts, it immediately gets shoved right out of the bore. It smashes through one of the glass panes of the control room and gets thrown down into the cave with the rest of the team. Or rather about halfway there. It stops  maybe 35 feet down and begins hovering in place.
((Wait, didn't the bore prevent incarnation of low level entities near it? Not that I'm asking for a higher level enemy, mind!

EDIT: this is what I'm referring to:

"Well, the whole drill has got some life in her. Thats how she walks so well. But we got a brain over there, behind the elevator.  Thats the biggest piece of machine intelligence here. Deepest Engine too. But as per protection, I doubt it will ofter you much really.  Probably will stop incarnation of low level entities within short ranges, if only because it interferes with them seeing you."

Or does this not matter when it comes to reanimation?))

Can I attack this new enemy, or is it fully in the corporeal world?
   If yes, attack it.
   If no, is the thing that killed the mole still there?
      if yes, attack it.
      if no, examine the monster and the corpse of the mole. Try to learn more about possession/incarnation of dead teammates by deep sea things. How does it differ when a diver gets killed while diving from a regular person dying in the material world?

   If no, try to stealthily dive down to lvl. 3 and attack it.

Spoiler: Joshua Abraham Darvaza (click to show/hide)
« Last Edit: March 02, 2017, 09:25:07 am by Radio Controlled »

Einsteinian Roulette Wiki
Quote from: you know who you are
21:26   <XYZ>: I know nothing about this, but I have strong opinions about it.
Fucking hell, you guys are worse than the demons.


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Re: DIG: Suspitious Mole
« Reply #606 on: March 02, 2017, 08:00:04 am »

Well, the good thing is that he's conduit to a low level entity. You guys might want to not let things manifest themselves in your control room in the future. It could end poorly.

The good news too is that He's manifesting next an even more powerful deep entity, so when it bursts out of Maurice and splatters the inside of the control room with mole guts, it immediately gets shoved right out of the bore. It smashes through one of the glass panes of the control room and gets thrown down into the cave with the rest of the team. Or rather about halfway there. It stops  maybe 35 feet down and begins hovering in place.
((Wait, didn't the bore prevent incarnation of low level entities near it? Not that I'm asking for a higher level enemy, mind!

EDIT: this is what I'm referring to:

"Well, the whole drill has got some life in her. Thats how she walks so well. But we got a brain over there, behind the elevator.  Thats the biggest piece of machine intelligence here. Deepest Engine too. But as per protection, I doubt it will ofter you much really.  Probably will stop incarnation of low level entities within short ranges, if only because it interferes with them seeing you."

Or does this not matter when it comes to reanimation?))

Can I attack this new enemy, or is it fully in the corporeal world?
   If yes, attack it.
   If no, is the thing that killed the mole still there?
      if yes, attack it.
      if no, examine the monster and the corpse of the mole. Try to learn more about possession/incarnation of dead teammates by deep sea things. How does it differ when a diver gets killed while diving from a regular person dying in the material world?

Spoiler: Joshua Abraham Darvaza (click to show/hide)
It will stop them from manifesting without a conduit to manifest through; which our mole friend provided. Though, as we see, it did expel the creature after it was summoned.

And this enemy is the one that attacked the mole. When it killed him, it got into his body and manifested in the real world.

When a diver is killed while diving, his mind is effectively overridden which means 1 of two things can happen: the creature can physically manifest through him or it can take control of his body like we saw earlier. Dying by mind damage is generally a good way to get possessed or summon a demon.


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Re: DIG: Suspitious Mole
« Reply #607 on: March 02, 2017, 08:07:24 am »

Is Radio's char awake?  If yes, grab the remains of the mole's body, and abscond out of the control room.  If no, decapitate the mole's body (or, if the Eye Disk's somewhere else on it, chop off that part), grab Joshua, and abscond.  Either way, the new being is someone else's problem.

Spoiler: Sifeebt, Roa Deathless (click to show/hide)


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Re: DIG: Suspitious Mole
« Reply #608 on: March 02, 2017, 02:17:18 pm »

Examine the water soaked planks, see if they're useful. Regardless, go to another tower with an open entrance and have a look inside.

Spoiler (click to show/hide)


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Re: DIG: Suspitious Mole
« Reply #609 on: March 02, 2017, 02:58:33 pm »

((do we have to repost our actions? Seems like the moilehorror doesn't fundamentally alter anyone's posted actions, except sif and radio up there, and they have edited their actions.))


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Re: DIG: Suspitious Mole
« Reply #610 on: March 02, 2017, 04:35:39 pm »

If Verne notices from the ground the Deepsea horror that just smashed through the side of the Bore, he takes aim at it with the rifle and tries to find a weak spot.

If he remains peacefully oblivious or the problem goes away, he looks for something that might have structural 3+ lying around.

Spoiler: Verne (click to show/hide)
One wheel short of a wagon


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Re: DIG: Suspitious Mole
« Reply #611 on: March 03, 2017, 02:57:43 pm »

Damn, I'm hungry. Is there any good food on this thing?

Spoiler: "Coinflip" Rayes (click to show/hide)
« Last Edit: March 03, 2017, 07:42:22 pm by Egan_BW »
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Re: DIG: Suspitious Mole
« Reply #612 on: March 04, 2017, 11:45:57 am »

"I'll just leave that one for later"

Pass down the beetleshell with straps, and open a couple more chest things

Spoiler: Bargthor-47 (click to show/hide)
You pass the beetle thing down to Nameless and then try to open the next chest.
It takes all your strength combined with that of your gauntlets but you manage to pry one of the clamshells open. When you do, water pours out of it and it reveals a squirming mass of blackish silver tendrils. It looks something like an anemone, though the tendrils are more closely packed and stay more intertwined rather than extending out like anemone tentacles.

Nameless attempts to wear the beetle shell armor.


Spoiler: Nameless (click to show/hide)

Legs The Mover will, upon discovering that the mole has gone horrific, rush to the crawler and prep for evac (first opening exterior doors if necessary.)

Spoiler: Legs The Mover (click to show/hide)
You put the shell thing on your arm. It's very small and specific in terms of armor; really not terribly protective. Maybe it has some other use?

Legs runs to the crawler and waits to leave.

Vokun waits for the diving bell to be lowered.

Spoiler: Vokun Kaaz (click to show/hide)
Unfortunately the guy who was gonna do that is currently hiding in the crawer because of accidental demon summoning so...that wait might be a while.

Climb up to the room where Barg is, open a chest.

Spoiler: "Razorblade" Rede (click to show/hide)
You climb up and try to open another chest.
But it is sealed far too tightly for you. Not really a surprise, the guy with diesel powered crab claw things could only barely get one open, so you probably don't stand much of a chance.

Is Radio's char awake?  If yes, grab the remains of the mole's body, and abscond out of the control room.  If no, decapitate the mole's body (or, if the Eye Disk's somewhere else on it, chop off that part), grab Joshua, and abscond.  Either way, the new being is someone else's problem.

Spoiler: Sifeebt, Roa Deathless (click to show/hide)
You grab the eyedisk, which is just sort of sitting in a pile of goo, and then drag Joshua out of the room and down to the sanctuary.

Examine the water soaked planks, see if they're useful. Regardless, go to another tower with an open entrance and have a look inside.

Spoiler (click to show/hide)
You realize upon closer inspection that these are not planks of wood but are instead corpses of the creatures depicted in the murals adorning the buildings. They've crumbled into pieces that then hardened to the consistency of wood, but its clear that they are in fact bodies.

You walk to another tower and find much the same thing; it seems like the occupants of these towers died and then gathered at the bottom of the structure. Not surprising considering the set up with all holes in the center of each room in the tower. You think you could probably squeeze past the bodies and get up to higher levels.

If Verne notices from the ground the Deepsea horror that just smashed through the side of the Bore, he takes aim at it with the rifle and tries to find a weak spot.

If he remains peacefully oblivious or the problem goes away, he looks for something that might have structural 3+ lying around.

Spoiler: Verne (click to show/hide)
You definitely heard it, and even if you didn't, all the glass from the window it broke fell around you so you'd notice that.

You're pretty sure the actual physical form of the creature is the balls of light; the strange beam/threads of light that intermittently connect the balls seem to have an ethereal quality that indicates they'd be hard to damage with conventional weapons.

Damn, I'm hungry. Is there any good food on this thing?

Spoiler: "Coinflip" Rayes (click to show/hide)

You find a large supply of dehydrated food pouches in storage.

Well, the good thing is that he's conduit to a low level entity. You guys might want to not let things manifest themselves in your control room in the future. It could end poorly.

The good news too is that He's manifesting next an even more powerful deep entity, so when it bursts out of Maurice and splatters the inside of the control room with mole guts, it immediately gets shoved right out of the bore. It smashes through one of the glass panes of the control room and gets thrown down into the cave with the rest of the team. Or rather about halfway there. It stops  maybe 35 feet down and begins hovering in place.
((Wait, didn't the bore prevent incarnation of low level entities near it? Not that I'm asking for a higher level enemy, mind!

EDIT: this is what I'm referring to:

"Well, the whole drill has got some life in her. Thats how she walks so well. But we got a brain over there, behind the elevator.  Thats the biggest piece of machine intelligence here. Deepest Engine too. But as per protection, I doubt it will ofter you much really.  Probably will stop incarnation of low level entities within short ranges, if only because it interferes with them seeing you."

Or does this not matter when it comes to reanimation?))

Can I attack this new enemy, or is it fully in the corporeal world?
   If yes, attack it.
   If no, is the thing that killed the mole still there?
      if yes, attack it.
      if no, examine the monster and the corpse of the mole. Try to learn more about possession/incarnation of dead teammates by deep sea things. How does it differ when a diver gets killed while diving from a regular person dying in the material world?

   If no, try to stealthily dive down to lvl. 3 and attack it.

Spoiler: Joshua Abraham Darvaza (click to show/hide)

You drop down to the third level.

Now, I have to ask, how exactly are you going to try and attack it. Because you can't do it directly with the bead chain or anything. You have to manipulate the world to do damage.

Radio Controlled

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Re: DIG: Suspitious Mole
« Reply #613 on: March 04, 2017, 12:47:22 pm »

Unfortunately the guy who was gonna do that is currently hiding in the crawer because of accidental demon summoning so...that wait might be a while.
Seeing as how I designed and made the thing, would it be ok if we say it was made with an automatic winch, or some sort of system to let the person inside the diving bell lower himself? So that Rauth isn't forced to sit around doing nothing. I could explain how this system would work if you want me to.

Now, I have to ask, how exactly are you going to try and attack it. Because you can't do it directly with the bead chain or anything. You have to manipulate the world to do damage.
Level 3: Manipulation of local material in a way that resembles mundane. Ie, you can go and psychically move or do things that you could normally do with your body.
The monster is a bunch of floating lightballs connected by lightwires, right?
Attack it by trying to tear loose one of the balls at the end of the chain. If needed, use feet to brace me to pull out one of the balls.

Spoiler: Joshua Abraham Darvaza (click to show/hide)
« Last Edit: March 04, 2017, 01:08:15 pm by Radio Controlled »

Einsteinian Roulette Wiki
Quote from: you know who you are
21:26   <XYZ>: I know nothing about this, but I have strong opinions about it.
Fucking hell, you guys are worse than the demons.


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Re: DIG: Suspitious Mole
« Reply #614 on: March 04, 2017, 02:06:23 pm »

"Ach, more of this drivel. Oh well..."

Go find some clean water and/or alcohol to soak the food in, and a heating element to cook it. Maybe set it on top of the generator.

Spoiler: "Coinflip" Rayes (click to show/hide)
The skies will greedily accept your hopes, and your promises.
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