Raioyris steps into the ghastly knight, his arms and legs aligning with its.
"The flesh is so weak."
The knight slowly draws it's sword from it's horizontal sheath at the knight's backside waist height, emitting a terrible grinding noise.
Dispatch the foe knights.
[Adding to the Knight's strength: 4->0*4 = 0]
[3+2 -> 0+0] The metal knight draws his sword.
{5 -> 2} The iron guardsmen collapse on the knight itself, plunging their weapons into its joints in an attempt to fix it in place. [5 ->> 1] The knight shakes a couple of them off, but the rest pile on and soon the mighty suit starts falling to the ground.
A lone armor goes after Raioyris, readying its halberd. {5 -> 1} It does an overhand strike, [8 ->> 3] but suddenly the cavern shakes, and a rock falls on top of the the armor, crushing it.
The dream collapses.
Raioyris awakens, carried in Millenus' arms. He seems more... muscular since last time he was seen.
"Johan, you're a medic, aren't you? What do you think about providing first aid to the wounded in exchange for some payment when I set up shop?"
"You might've noticed it by now, but I'm a merchant, and I spend some of my time hawking my wares and eavesdropping on hot information. Do you want to stick around and join the business or would you rather just leave? I'm pretty sure you're safer with us—as long as you keep a healthy distance away from Rai."
"And what do you think of rotating our shop's place for now? I'm still thinking about the best spot, but I'd rather try the scrap sanctuary first, then check close to the entrance after a few hours."
Option 1 and, after a few hours, 2.
Stay alert upon entry to the scrap sanctuary. More automata may have appeared in the time we were gone.
"Not a medic, a mechanic, but I do know a little first aid. I won't exactly be able to perform a triple bypass, but I'll see what I can do. And sure, I'd love to stick around here a little while. I know most people might wanna leave after their arachnophobia is further entrenched, but, well, not me."
The Banshee quietly exits the scene.
"We will meet again,"Raioyris seemed to be spacing out, so the party had to pick him up and drag him away from the Spider Heart. He comes to as they get him further away.
Setting up the shop was a simple task. There is an alcove to the right of the passageway where torch-holders had already been implanted into the wall. A loose chain on the ground and some shards of metal were the only evidence of what had been here before; Milenus, in a bout of taciturn wisdom, surmised it was from a chest that adventurers hauled off long ago. Few, in this day and age, would pass up an opportunity for free furniture, regardless of the treasure inside of it.
There are several holes in the wall. One wonders if Wilbur could be nearby.
Setting up his coffer of goods, Gilles took up the lead position. It was his goods, after all.
In no time flat, a pair of footsteps approached from around the corner.
"Could it have gone further?" asks a curt voice in the distance.
There should be a response...
"Yeah, we'll get it for sure," the voice answers itself.
A short woman in plate armor walks into the corridor. She almost fails to notice the shop, her attention focused elsewhere, it seems.
She has a half-visor with an eyepiece on the left, springing dozens of lines of text no human could hope to read.