Up to the 4th day since Vandeland (might rename that to Vandelay Industries later...) was settled and I think I'm starting to get the hang of this.
So far we've got:
2 woodcutters out harvesting medium quality spruce and larch.
1 quarry with quarryman churning out 'high' quality limestone (78% base, 67% actually produced - newbie tools and all that)
1 lime burner turning a portion of that into medium quality lime (only 38% - must get charcoal up and running) . The rest of the limestone is being used for construction.
1 carpenter and bricklayer team for building the bigger buildings (currently utterly exhausted after building a small workshop).
1 iron mine with miner on a medium (60%) iron deposit feeding a low blast furnace (just settlers manning it and no charcoal, so end product is only 15% quality iron)
1 school, currently training a toolmaker
1 small workshop, which I plan to turn into a forge
1 small barn and 1 trappers hut from my first day that I don't really have a use for.
1 hunters cabin that I would like to get some leather production from, if I can ever manage to get the equipment for a hunter or two (nobody's selling bows or quivers, and I don't have the right type of wood to make my own bows which doesn't matter cos nobody's growing or selling hemp on Error right now).
3 settlers mostly helping to build huts.
Immediate plans are to get basic tool production up and running (including charcoal production), maybe nail production. Then build a wooden castle and expand our housing, add a couple more carpenter/bricklayer teams along the way, then start to get industry going - expand iron production, hopefully get some leather production going, and add another limestone quarry or two since it's quite good quality and I imagine I'll need a bunch of it for all the building.