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Author Topic: Kindred: Mission one. The generation is born.  (Read 20837 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Kindred: Mission one. The generation is born.
« Reply #60 on: December 17, 2016, 08:42:36 pm »

‘The goal’ speaks Mirella, as she catches the gaze of each fledgling ‘Is not to blood frenzy. To control yourself in the presence of humans. To have restraint.’ She smiles ‘Once we can determine you have some self-control, we can allow you into the community of vampires we have here, you can begin work as one of us without breaking the masquerade. You will be tested over the next three days. If you pull your human apart on any of these days you will need to start again.’

((Players should note as well that one blood point is lost overnight each night. This is why vampires must feed with some frequency. You are welcome to feed on your human, but not to frenzy. You are encouraged to write out some interactions with your human across these three days and to feed before leaving so as not to leave on an empty stomach. Let me know what your characters are thinking. If you can make it through this, you can stop rolling willpower every time you see a human.))

Mirella first leads Cesar into his room, leaving the others waiting in the very nicely decorated lounge.

She enters the first room with him. Inside is seated a human. She’s a young woman, possibly late teens or very early twenties. She’s seated in the room on one of the two beds reading a book. She looks up and smiles at the two as they enter her room. She clearly has no concept that she is being used to test the resolve of a young fledgling. ‘Hello.’ Her voice is timid and she is quite pale. She is shaking slightly.

This girl is a blood doll, a willing subject used to feed vampires. When a vampire feeds it causes a pleasant and euphoric sensation like the human has never felt, a blood doll is a human addicted to the vampire’s bite. Obviously, being torn limb from limb as with the newly awoken fledglings it isn’t as pleasurable.

Cesar rolls willpower 3 times, one for each day. He has two successes, two successes and one success respectively- admirable given his willpower is in fact two. The will be successful.

Mirella leads Nikolai over to his blood doll’s room. The young man in there is not a great deal older than the girl in Cesar’s room. He is Russian and speaks Russian. Mirella considers him an appropriate choice for Nikolai- perhaps they will get along.
((Nikolai’s character sheet has incorrect mental attributes so for his Resolve I will use the average of two. If you could get back to me with the correct mental attributes it’d be great. :) ))
Nikolai rolls willpower 3 times. The first has four successes, the second has two crits and a success. The second has two successes. He will be successful.

Father Gerald comes next. Mirella leads him to his blood doll’s room, hoping he doesn’t spout off more unintelligible God-related stuff.
A middle aged woman is seated inside, she is knitting a newborn’s sweater. In the background can be heard a cassette player, which is playing recordings of bible passages. The lady nods to Father Gerald that he should enter and goes back to her work.
Father Gerald rolls willpower three times. Two successes each time. He will pass.

Mirella beckons Trump to join her. She leads him to his blood doll’s room.

((I will give you some leeway here as to what sort of human you want Trump to have, Syv, but it is a ‘winner’ lest you be unable to feed on it.))

Mirella smiles ‘I know you won’t have a problem with this, you are Trump, of course.’

Trump rolls one success, two successes and finally rolls one BARELY success on his third roll. He only just resists the urge to tear the human apart.

Mirella then leads Morgan to her blood doll. On the way she speaks quietly to her. ‘I understand this isn’t the life you wanted. It’s never easy to accept the embrace, particularly if you didn’t want it.’

The human in Morgan’s room is an ageing, dark skinned man, perhaps in his late 60s. He is laying on the bed when they enter but sits up quickly. His eyes, creased with crows feet as he smiles, show he is a friendly man. ‘Come on in. Sit down.’

Morgan rolls 4 successes the first roll, two the second and barely scrapes by with one just above the threshold on the last roll. Morgan finds it more and more difficult as time goes on to resist the human she is sharing her space with.

‘It is Ash we are testing and Ash who must be able to deal with this.’ Mirella speaks to her. ‘Try to bring her out for me.’
Ash will roll one willpower to bring Vampire Ash forward. She has two successes and a crit, and is able to if she wishes.

They enter the room to find a young girl, no older than fifteen. She welcomes Ash in. ‘Mum’s getting her blood taken too. She said it’s good charity.’ The girl puts away the homework she has been working on in order to speak with Ash further.

Smith is next. Mirella leads him to a room with a more troubled looking youth. He is dressed in a shabbily maintained school uniform, and looks a little in awe of the vampires. You get the impression he really hero worships vampires, as he can’t seem to look away from you, no matter how he seems to be trying.
Smith gains two successes with his first roll, four on his second, and three including two crits on his third.

It is three days before Mirella allows the fledglings out, no longer as fledglings but Neonates.
‘You are free now to wander wherever you would like. Do anything you care to do, so long as you adhere to the six traditions.’ Mirella is beaming with pride now. ‘This place is home to you as long as you need.’

((Well, I was hoping at least one of you would fail one of the rolls. Apparently you’ve all got cast-iron willpower.))


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Kindred: Mission one. The generation is born.
« Reply #61 on: December 17, 2016, 08:54:23 pm »

Speaking to Mirella before entering the room, "You mean the new gal? Yeah, she seems more appropriate given the occasion." Ash steadies herself, her eyes changing to red.

Ash walks into her room. ((I didn't see willpower rolls for the three days, so that happens now I guess.)) ((And now I will do a bit of writing. I'll update this post all at once when I am finished.))
« Last Edit: December 17, 2016, 09:05:14 pm by Rautherdir »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Kindred: Mission one. The generation is born.
« Reply #62 on: December 17, 2016, 09:04:41 pm »

Cesar can smell her blood. She looks pretty, and smells like a good meal. He salivates slightly, but not visibly, and mutters a weak "Hello.". He spends the first day speaking to Spoonicus, occassionaly looking up to make sure the blood doll isn't doing anything potentially harmful or plotting his death.

On the second day, Cesar feels the hunger stronger than before, but keeps it restrained. Spoonicus helps him cope with wanting to rip her apart, and Cesar even has a one-sided conversation with her about the finer points of silverware.

On the final day, Cesar can barely hold it. He's staring intently at her hands, wondering how crunchy they would be, and if her blood would taste sweeter than his previous victims. In spite of this, Spoonicus helps him hang on. "You're kind of pretty.." He mutters while staring intently at her hands. Somehow he restrains himself once again, and actually has a pleasant day.
Before leaving as he had passed the test, he commands her to give him her wrist, and the blood doll complies. Cesar bites into her wrist and drinks a good amount of blood- enough to sate his thirst, but not enough to be dangerous- He actually doesn't want to kill her and has even grown somewhat fond of her. Wiping bits of blood off his lower lip, he thanks her. "Maybe we'll even see eachother again, you and your.. pretty.. hands."

"Well... any ideas as to what we should be doing?" Cesar asks Mirella. "I'm not exactly sure, and neither is Spoonicus." He states clearly with a slight frown.

Gone. Departed. Headed off toward greener pastures.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Kindred: Mission one. The generation is born.
« Reply #63 on: December 17, 2016, 10:49:21 pm »

((Could you specify what is wrong with his stats? I'm not sure what the problem is))

Nikolai walks into the room and introduces himself.

"Здравствуйте. Меня зовут Николай. Я полагаю, что мы будем проводить следующие несколько дней вместе."

"Да, это так кажется. Чувствуйте себя комфортно, и расскажите о себе."

Nikolai and the man, who introduces himself as Putrof Nalinski, spend the next 3 days chatting about this, that, and the other, mostly speaking of their lives back in Russia, and what had led them here. They make many jokes about Putins puppeteering of Trump, and other such topics. They both rush that they had been provided with some vodka to pass the time with, but Nikolai is worried that nothing will ever be as satisfying as the sweet taste of blood. As he gets thirstier, he has trouble talking to Putrof without staring at his neck. On the second night, he stands next to Putrof's bed as he sleeps, watching him breathe in and out for several hours before retiring himself. That morning, he is noticeably irritable, and tells Putrof of his thirst. He laughs, saying that he should have told him sooner, for he would be glad to quench it. That night, Nikolai drinks his fill.

Spoiler: translations (click to show/hide)
As always, life is brief and transient, your posting history lasts forever, so always prioritise forum games.

Glory to United Forenia!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Kindred: Mission one. The generation is born.
« Reply #64 on: December 17, 2016, 11:52:16 pm »

((Trump's doll would be a wealthy white sycophant, who has some degree of hero worship for him.))

Trump spends the first couple days happily regaling his new friend with stories of his long and illustrious career, not even thinking about blood.  He's quite happy to have such a receptive audience who clearly adores him.

The third day, however, goes significantly worse.  Trump's doll began to question why the President-Elect of the United States is sitting in the United Kingdom, almost constantly in a room with some random guy.  Though this idle wondering was clearly not an accusation, it completely set Trump off in a yelling tirade, screaming about the man's lack of loyalty, and belief, and trust, and many other flaws.  He very nearly lost control at the height of that, wanting to tear the insulting mortal whelp's head free from his weak shoulders, but Trump reined himself in before it was too late.

At least the man was significantly more respectful and reserved after that, though Trump's shining image of him was somewhat tarnished.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Kindred: Mission one. The generation is born.
« Reply #65 on: December 18, 2016, 12:22:04 am »

Morgan treats the human as, well, a Human. Being dead and having a thirst for blood is no excuse to be an asshole. She drinks as much as needed each day, but by the final one Morgan can feel the press of the beast, wishing to break and rend the human. This noticeably concerns her.

"It was good to stay with you, but I'm glad it's time to leave now. I hope that you don't die."

Aigre Excalibur

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Re: Kindred: Mission one. The generation is born.
« Reply #66 on: December 18, 2016, 12:38:46 am »

Father Gerald smiles warmly at the willing sacrifice and opens his hands towards her.

"So let her give; not grudgingly, or of necessity: for God loveth a cheerful giver."

Father Gerald feeds gratefully from the lamb brought before him. Then he rises to give her a Benediction:

"Now the God of peace, that brought again from the dead our Lord Jesus, that great shepherd of the sheep, through the blood of the everlasting covenant, Make you perfect in every good work to do his will, working in you that which is wellpleasing in his sight, through Jesus Christ; to whom be glory for ever and ever. Amen."
Never ever cease communication with your enemies, never ever cease interaction with them, never isolate yourself from them. Never ignore them, relish the time to deal with them, to exercise banter. The biggest mistake one can make is ignoring one's enemies. Go out of your way to pick a fight today.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Kindred: Mission one. The generation is born.
« Reply #67 on: December 18, 2016, 02:35:12 am »

Smith over the course of the three days comes to terms with his vamperic nature and also just generally is a reserved kind of civil with the youth, trying to not make a bad impression on the blood doll, but also not really knowing what to do with him. He does feed in the night a couple of times though just to keep the edge off. By the time the three days are over he feels completely and utterly in control of himself.
23:31:46 <pancaeks> "Today on mystery science with the eggheads: we created these sentient crystal people, now we're going to find out if they explode!"

MainPiston: Epilogue.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Kindred: Mission one. The generation is born.
« Reply #68 on: December 18, 2016, 03:17:53 am »

((I will post as soon as I can, which probably will not be until tomorrow. Please feel free to gain 7 exp and spend this how you choose under the condition it isn spent on a level 5 discipline. You are still a fledgling and should not have access to that high a level quite yet.. You can post here what you wish to spend it on and I will amend your character sheet once I am able.))

Aigre Excalibur

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Re: Kindred: Mission one. The generation is born.
« Reply #69 on: December 18, 2016, 03:19:51 am »

Increase presence from 2 to 3
Never ever cease communication with your enemies, never ever cease interaction with them, never isolate yourself from them. Never ignore them, relish the time to deal with them, to exercise banter. The biggest mistake one can make is ignoring one's enemies. Go out of your way to pick a fight today.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Kindred: Mission one. The generation is born.
« Reply #70 on: December 18, 2016, 03:25:02 am »

+1 dodge.
... Presence from 2 to 3.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Kindred: Mission one. The generation is born.
« Reply #71 on: December 18, 2016, 01:36:14 pm »

Dominate increased from 0 to 1
As always, life is brief and transient, your posting history lasts forever, so always prioritise forum games.

Glory to United Forenia!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Kindred: Mission one. The generation is born.
« Reply #72 on: December 18, 2016, 02:03:16 pm »

Dementation to 3. Spoonicus will teach me.
Gone. Departed. Headed off toward greener pastures.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Kindred: Mission one. The generation is born.
« Reply #74 on: December 18, 2016, 03:46:30 pm »

Smith will up his celerity to 4
23:31:46 <pancaeks> "Today on mystery science with the eggheads: we created these sentient crystal people, now we're going to find out if they explode!"

MainPiston: Epilogue.
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