Demonhood's back?! Holy hot diggity dang damn shittery shiver me timbers I'm gonna be watching this. Participating too.
Hmm. I see there's discussion of Nokluvgn's theme, eh? Well, I think I have some ideas in line with what's already going on.
Noklugvn is the subversion of things you thought were once normal. He is you coming home to your house to find it distorted and bloodied, the dimensions of rooms warped and strangely elongated, of fingers wriggling only in your peripheral vision. Fingers cover everything, replacing doorknobs, what food you have, even your cutlery is merely fingers on sticks. The fingers are not normal either, that would be too generous - some are enormously elongated and bladed, sinuously waving like deadly seagrass, others have strange bony spikes forming out of the skin - always two at first near the nail, which is pointed so as to form a cross-like shape.
The dreams begin slowly, but as they progress a villager will begin to see them bleed through into their life. Where did all these knives come from? Are his own fingers becoming distorted? Why can he no longer find his way inside his own home? What are those things grasping at the corners of his eyes?
Apologies for going on and on and on, but you get the essential idea, yes? Strange dreams that start with one's surroundings being a little distorted, but as the dreams go on they get more and more demented and fingers, knives, and mazes start featuring more and more heavily in them, and then eventually they start seeing this stuff in real life, eventually turning to worship us.