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Author Topic: Web of Life: A Drider's Adventure (Ended)  (Read 184921 times)


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Re: Web of Life: A Drider's Adventure
« Reply #195 on: January 07, 2017, 08:31:19 pm »



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Re: Web of Life: A Drider's Adventure
« Reply #196 on: January 08, 2017, 05:52:21 am »

Put the silk up.

Flirt a bit and ask why her bother dislikes us before getting to business. Tell Jack everything we know and start bouncing some ideas off her to prevent the ritual. She should know what is feasible better than we do, she has been around longer. I'd go so far as to commit fully to whatever she wants to do.
I don't trust her, but at this point we need to trust somebody, and I still don't think running away is a good option. I get the feeling our body paint tie us to the ritual somehow, and even if it doesn't, we are still abandoning our family to the wrath of a now potentially elder thing powered Vvulf.

Ideas to Suggest:

1: Do nothing, hope for the best. Vvulf talked about needing warriors for the 'final battle'. Whatever the ritual is, its function is unlikely to cause us harm. We doubt he'd try to envoke such a 'final' battle with such a rag-tag group anyway, so this is like more the beginning of a plan than the end. All our other options likely result in our death should things go poorly, while the ritual itself might do some vaugely bad thing to us if we allow it to happen, so standing back and letting Vvulf do his thing is at least worth considering.

2: Kill Vvulf and/or his Shaman before sunrise. They might not be sleeping on the eve of an important ritual, but if he is, the old sneak and stab or pounce and sting might work.

3: Coup. If enough Lieutenants fear the ritual, we can confront Vvulf over breakfast demanding explanations and cutting him down if we don't like answers. If Jack dosn't think any of the other officers can be trusted, simply marching the combined forces of us and the twins squads on Vvulf's Lieutenant's breakfast party could catch him with his pants down.

4: Poison. I doubt our venom is too harmful when consumed (venom is for injecting, poison is for ingesting), there has bound to be something deadly if swallowed around a freaking bandit camp that we can dig up and put in Vvulf's breakfast.

5: Attempt to sabatauge the ritual. Perhaps sending somebody to set off Vvulf's entire bomb stash, or simpily rob his tent of everything that looks magical while he is busy with breakfast, will be enough to delay. If we send somebody else to do it while we eat, he wont be able to trace it.

6: Foil the raid. I'll bet Vvulf needs either alot of sacrifices, or some sort of McGuffin that is found in town. If we send somebody ahead to warn we are coming, and the town evacuates, perhaps time is bought.

7: Kill Vvulf or his Shaman during the raid. A 'stray' missile coated in vennom could disable the target. We'd likely have to finish it off, or time it so that one of the town defenders will do it for us.

8: Sabatauge the ritual while marching/raiding. It is not likely Vvulf is dragging his big box of ritual supplies onto the battlefield. Stopping the tomfoolery might be as simple as leaving some dudes behind to kill a shaman or steal/destroy some sacred doohicky while the rest of the bandits are getting their raid on.

Once we agree to partake in some sort of conspiracy with Jack, there is no point hiding anything from her as she already has enough to destroy us. Tell the story of the Liutenient we killed, retelling the mans tale, but editing it slightly and saying that we know for sure it was our mother he worshiped. As we speak, move closer and closer to Jack, slowing putting more and more of our spider bits in contact with her skin. Conclude by asking if Jack finds the thought of playing the same role to us as our victim played for our mother appealing in any way. If the answer is remotely positive, steal a kiss, and thank her for a good first date. I'd trust Jack a bit more as our girlfriend, so might as well give it a shot. If Sidney's interest isn't faked, I'm sure she'd rather have somebody to face Armageddon with tomorrow anyway.


Liquefied Spleens

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Re: Web of Life: A Drider's Adventure
« Reply #197 on: January 08, 2017, 07:33:51 pm »

Girl's Talk 2: The Communicating

It doesn't take long before jack enters your tent. She must have been waiting for you to put up the silk. Explaining what the crippled lady told you takes... considerably longer. Jack has an annoying tendency to interrupt you while you're speaking, but regardless, and at one point she even put her hands on your shoulder to "straighten you out". Clearly, it's so the spider part of you isn't as visible. She's still scared of it, clearly. You'd be insulted if you weren't so used to that. By the end of it, you ask for her thoughts on the implications of this "ritual".
I don't understand all of it, but the baseline is that it's going to be super-bad, right?
...I suppose that'd be a way of putting it, yes. Really bad. We need to prevent it from happening.
And how would we do that?
...We could kill Vvulf.
She recoils in shock and begins to shout.
Are you fucking crazy!? We can't take on Vvulf! Nobody can! I saw him shatter a man's skull with just his one hand! And he wouldn't just kill us, no... He's make it a fucking show! She sounds honestly scared as she says that, a shiver seems to visibly go down his spine
It doesn't have to be a straight fight... We could go right now, and get him in his sleep.
Did you ever walk up to Vvulf while he's sleeping? That man does not sleep, he just waits. Man, you're stupid! She dramatically throws up her hands. You sigh at her melodrama, and notice that Karliah is just calmly watching while pretending to be asleep. You can tell by her cheeky little smile.
Then we break up the ritual through other ways. We kill his shaman, or steal the stuff he needs. I can send in a guy while he's eating breakfast.
This also doesn't seem to please Jack. She rubs her temples as she starts talking condescendingly.Look. I know you're new, but come on now. The shaman sleeps next to Vvulf, and nobody eats on the days of the raid. She drops the condescending tone as she continues: Vvulf usually spouts some bullshit about how "the hunger will keep you sharp, bwarg i'm big and scary!" Her imitation of Vvulf isn't even remotely close to the real thing, but you have to stifle a chuckle either way. Karliah seems to suffer from the same problem. Jack is too busy being excited to notice her, fortunately.

Aah. Look. I'm serious though, i don't think that guy would ever let his valuable stuff just lying around anyways. I don't know if you've noticed, but he could probably pack a carriage in all the skull and furs he wears. Not to mention he's got pockets inside that shield of his.
He's built like a brick shithouse, Sid! If that little bitch over here can take a stab, i don't think you could take him down with it! She points at Karliah, who is still pretending to be fast asleep. You're getting frustrated by now, and your tone shows it.
His bombs, then? what if we blow those up?
If you wanna die, sure. Those things are sensitive, and you won't be getting close to them when he's around. He's very, very protective. That skull-crushing bit i told you about? he did that because somebody wanted a crack at throwing one of those himself. Gods above, that was horrid.
alright, alright... Maybe we can foil the raid? If he's planning a ritual, he won't be needing whatever they could find in a normal town... so he probably wants something out of the village.
... Yeah. I-I guess that could be right. But how are we going to know what it is, and how do we prevent Vvulf from just going straight for it?

Yo don't have an answer to that question, either. You roll your eyes, and sigh deeply. Apparently, Vvulf is less of a man and more of a fucking statue you have to tear down with your teeth.
Right, back to messing with the raid, then? How about a "stray" arrow, coated in poison?
Technically, it's venom, you inject it into people.
Keep your semantics out of this assassination, please.
Right, right... Well, it won't work. He's just too tough to be taken down by some poison alone. And trust me, if you're thinking of getting the fucking guards involved, it won't work. Those can't even reach him most of the time, not to mention the bombs.
It's useless, then!? We just sit around and hope he doesn't do whatever the heck he wants to do!?
Your legs clutch together around your abdomen in annoyance, and begin to tap around randomly. Your pedipalps are also making clicking sounds from them rubbing together. This unnerves Jack by quite a lot. Eventually, though, you just collapse a little with a defeated sigh.

Whatever... You'll see where tomorrow takes you.
Let's just drop it, for now. Say, tell me, why does your brother dislike me?
Jack makes an uncharacteristically girly giggle as she jumps on your hammock to properly do some "girl-talk".
He ALWAYS hated any new kids on the block, and he hates anybody that I show interest in. Now, you didn't get this from me but... Actually, you totally got this from me, hahaaa, but I think he's jealous. He never got along with anybody and it's just eating him up. Without me, he probably would have grown up without ever talking to anybody! Always was a little bit too attached to me, to be honest... Dad beat him with a belt when he said he wanted to marry me, once. I mean, sure, he was like six at the time, but I think he got attached to me like he just to spite dad. Honestly, it worked. He got beatings from him until we finally put in a little rat poison in mom's stew. Those were some good times!
You are shocked and appalled. You make a mental note to hug your dad extra hard when you get back to him. but, speaking of parents...
Y'know, it's funny you would mention parents, because I found out about my mother only yesterday!
What? Here, in this camp? How? She has a curious look on her face, mixed with a smirk, as if she's expecting a joke to come from this.
Well, did you know Lucius? Lieutenant here, had two colors on his marks, took drugs? Jack nods?
Well, it turns out he actually used to worship my mother as a high priest!
Bullcrap! she laughs out in disbelief.
It's the truth! He actually tried to rape me because I looked so much like her. I, of course, overpowered him and took him to my tent, and there he started telling stories of my mom's little cult.

You stand up and make some dramatic movements while you talk. You end up brushing one of your pedipalps over Jack's leg, who is too interested to notice.
She was the leader of a drider cult, yeah? Those were popular around a century ago, Mama told me that. But... How long ago was that cult?
Twenty years.
Isn't it lovely when your mom's a traditionalist? You know, my mom wanted me to be a vestral when I came of age, can you believe that? Nipped that little plan in the bud!
Right... So anyway, this Lucius guy was just all OVER my mom. You grab her by the shoulders to... emphasise your point. Like, he was nearly obsessed, but from I hear the perks must have been worth it. While you talk, you move your hands down to her exposed sides. She shivers a little. Power, magic, all of it was possible. Still, I guess something went wrong.
You let go of her body, which seems to disappoint her a little. She's biting her lip.
What happened?
He didn't say, but my mom had to escape somewhere. Four years later, I guess she must have found somebody and laid a couple of eggs in a valley. And that's how yours truly was born!
You crawl inside the hammock with Jack. She turns a little pale at the display of your spider body's skittering, but she swallows and refocuses on your face.
Although she's looking a bit too low.

Man, extensive storytelling... I gotta say though, that lucius guy? He was an idiot for getting so caught up in the cult schemes. Every single book momma read to me always said that the high priest is the first to be sacrificed every couple years. He was probably just another moron in a long line of morons, really. By the way, what happened to Lucius, did you let him go or...
Dead. He got all mad that he wasn't the one to boink my mom and jumped at me. He jumped right on my sword and just... kept clawing
Berserkers, am I right? She jumps a little closer to you.
yeah... I'm not in trouble, am i?
Pfft, of course not! You didn't start the attack, and he wasn't around to share orders, anyway. He was a fighter, not a talker. Well, anyway, I'd better be going. Or my brother might think i'm doing some naughty things around camp!
She jumps off the hammock, and tears off a bit of silk. It's basically a net, so it doesn't matter much. She sticks it in her pants, apparently lacking pockets, and goes to the exit of the tent.
You manage to take her hand just before she leaves.
It was fun having a chat, so thanks.
You give her a quick peck on the cheek, which causes her to freeze up for a bit. Then she bites her lip again and quickly leaves without saying goodbye.
A small chuckle resounds through the tent.
She actually is kind of cute when flustered.

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

As a side-note, about Sydney's sexuality, I should mention that driders are far, far less sexual than other sentient races. Due to being so long-lived, it is just not feasible for a species to simultaneously be promiscuous. So through a solitary nature and an almost non-existent sex drive driders don't clog up the eco-system. With sentience, it leads to a general disregard to the concept of sexual preference.
Still, driders are the exception. Generally, you can expect that most people are heterosexual throughout the world, as the church frowns on homosexuality and cross-species breeding.
Lore dump is available if you wish to hear more about the moral standards and values of this little fantasy world. Just ask, and it will be included at the end of the following update.

ADDENDUM: Just so it's clear, everybody can post suggestions. You don't need to be a long-time reader to give suggestions. If you want to share an idea, go for it.
« Last Edit: July 24, 2017, 03:14:37 pm by Liquefied Spleens »
Neat stuff I do:
A suggestion game about a drider that does a lot of stuff. I think it's kinda neat.


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Re: Web of Life: A Drider's Adventure
« Reply #198 on: January 08, 2017, 09:01:48 pm »

FYI this is on my radar. I've just been spending more time hosting/growing my own game ZL(you're welcome to join).

I've gotten behind, and need to Netflix binge this a few times to catch up. Sucks not being able to choose stuff though.

An idea:
To cultivate new players, perhaps create a new thread and switch perspective every once in awhile. And have that protagonist learn about this one, and then switch back with a new thread that is the continuation, part 2.


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Re: Web of Life: A Drider's Adventure
« Reply #199 on: January 09, 2017, 03:09:19 am »

FYI this is on my radar. I've just been spending more time hosting/growing my own game ZL(you're welcome to join).

I've gotten behind, and need to Netflix binge this a few times to catch up. Sucks not being able to choose stuff though.

An idea:
To cultivate new players, perhaps create a new thread and switch perspective every once in awhile. And have that protagonist learn about this one, and then switch back with a new thread that is the continuation, part 2.
Or keep this thread, and have another thread where you have a different perspective, and have 2 at the same time. Of coure, with the detail in these updates, I can imagine that would be a bit of a bother.
“I would stop you from doing unholy experiments with my people, but I don’t actually care about their well-being and I kinda want to see what happens”

Spoken like a true god TankKit.

Liquefied Spleens

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Re: Web of Life: A Drider's Adventure
« Reply #200 on: January 09, 2017, 06:20:56 am »

FYI this is on my radar. I've just been spending more time hosting/growing my own game ZL(you're welcome to join).

I've gotten behind, and need to Netflix binge this a few times to catch up. Sucks not being able to choose stuff though.

An idea:
To cultivate new players, perhaps create a new thread and switch perspective every once in awhile. And have that protagonist learn about this one, and then switch back with a new thread that is the continuation, part 2.

Or keep this thread, and have another thread where you have a different perspective, and have 2 at the same time. Of course, with the detail in these updates, I can imagine that would be a bit of a bother.

That's not too bad an idea, honestly. I've been meaning to play around with Alibert (Sydney's father) again for a while, anyways.
I think I'll use it for general side-stories, but Alibert is likely to be a big part of it for a while.
I'm thinking of calling it "Web of Life: Different strands".

Also of note, I'll write down potential options again, if you prefer. I'm always open for critique, and will attempt to better the story in whatever way I can.
Neat stuff I do:
A suggestion game about a drider that does a lot of stuff. I think it's kinda neat.


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Re: Web of Life: A Drider's Adventure
« Reply #201 on: January 09, 2017, 06:56:49 am »

FYI this is on my radar. I've just been spending more time hosting/growing my own game ZL(you're welcome to join).

I've gotten behind, and need to Netflix binge this a few times to catch up. Sucks not being able to choose stuff though.

An idea:
To cultivate new players, perhaps create a new thread and switch perspective every once in awhile. And have that protagonist learn about this one, and then switch back with a new thread that is the continuation, part 2.

Or keep this thread, and have another thread where you have a different perspective, and have 2 at the same time. Of course, with the detail in these updates, I can imagine that would be a bit of a bother.

That's not too bad an idea, honestly. I've been meaning to play around with Alibert (Sydney's father) again for a while, anyways.
I think I'll use it for general side-stories, but Alibert is likely to be a big part of it for a while.
I'm thinking of calling it "Web of Life: Different strands".

Also of note, I'll write down potential options again, if you prefer. I'm always open for critique, and will attempt to better the story in whatever way I can.
I personally would prefer it if you wrote down potential options, but had one option labeled do something else.
“I would stop you from doing unholy experiments with my people, but I don’t actually care about their well-being and I kinda want to see what happens”

Spoken like a true god TankKit.


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Re: Web of Life: A Drider's Adventure
« Reply #202 on: January 09, 2017, 11:50:16 am »

FYI this is on my radar. I've just been spending more time hosting/growing my own game ZL(you're welcome to join).

I've gotten behind, and need to Netflix binge this a few times to catch up. Sucks not being able to choose stuff though.

An idea:
To cultivate new players, perhaps create a new thread and switch perspective every once in awhile. And have that protagonist learn about this one, and then switch back with a new thread that is the continuation, part 2.

Or keep this thread, and have another thread where you have a different perspective, and have 2 at the same time. Of course, with the detail in these updates, I can imagine that would be a bit of a bother.

That's not too bad an idea, honestly. I've been meaning to play around with Alibert (Sydney's father) again for a while, anyways.
I think I'll use it for general side-stories, but Alibert is likely to be a big part of it for a while.
I'm thinking of calling it "Web of Life: Different strands".

Also of note, I'll write down potential options again, if you prefer. I'm always open for critique, and will attempt to better the story in whatever way I can.

Honestly I think people get too attached to a thread.  It's just "so much better" if it's really long that's just such a great thing, right?

This is a narrative. I like it and I can't keep up as it is. Other people are busy too. The nice thing about a book, is if you turn one page at a time eventually you'll get the whole story.

If they're simultaneous things going on I know personally that's it for me. I'll never know everything that's going on.

Also on a suggestion, maybe take a look at Demonhood 2's navigation at the top of the updates, some kind of Links at the top might help. Even if you don't name them. Just having something.

Every novel has chapters. To break up the action. And every sequel to a novel has a way for new people to come in. It's written that way. Forum games need to take this further. You are writing something where new people are coming in in the middle of the book. So you need to take things to the next stage.
« Last Edit: January 09, 2017, 11:55:52 am by roseheart »


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Re: Web of Life: A Drider's Adventure
« Reply #203 on: January 09, 2017, 11:51:03 am »

Also of note, I'll write down potential options again, if you prefer. I'm always open for critique, and will attempt to better the story in whatever way I can.
I personally would prefer it if you wrote down potential options, but had one option labeled do something else.

Also maybe it'd be worth while to utilize the poll. But be careful that thing can get like stuck, like it did in Wikipedia Wars...

When DH2 slowed down, he added a summary in the front.
« Last Edit: January 09, 2017, 12:18:04 pm by roseheart »

Liquefied Spleens

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Re: Web of Life: A Drider's Adventure
« Reply #204 on: January 09, 2017, 06:45:30 pm »

of note should be that i wasn't concerned about readership slowing down or anything, I was just concerned some people might think it was only the established bunch of people that can give suggestions. Still, excellent ways to improve this whole thing. Thank you very much.
I'll try to add some easier navigation, similar to demonhood, later on.
On to the update:

The March

You wake up to the sound of wide-spread mumbling and clattering of metal. You crawl out, trying to get the cobwebs out of your head and shaking your head. You put on your armor, and give a little kick to Karliah, who jumps awake. The day of the raid is here, and considering everyone is already moving up, it seems Vvulf is wasting no time at all. You hit your knuckles to your forehead to wake up a little more, then grab your equipment. You also include your bag of valuables, just in case. You walk outside, stretching, and see all the bandits awake and ready to go for the first time.You're carrying your bucket helmet under your arm. The sun isn't even up yet, and your feet are getting a little wet from the dew. You consider yourself fortunate for not having a much in the way of feeling in those bits of your anatomy. Chitin is just driderkind's socks.

Still, the bandits all seem to be heading to Vvulf's tent. Suddenly, you get a hand on your back. A lieutenant you don't recognize is gesturing you to follow him. Considering you need to act the part for now, you do so. He goes to Vvulf's tent, like the rest. You can already see the large crowd, all centered around Vvulf, who is standing on the wood pile he tends to use for his extravagant bonfires. The lieutenant makes a path through the increasingly large crowd, although many try to avoid getting in your way regardless. Being a drider has a certain intimidation factor, after all. You tower over most of these people. You join the line-up of lieutenants that have gathered in front of the bonfire, and Vvulf's unique greatshield planted in the ground before the line of lieutenants.. Vvulf is clearly waiting for enough bandits to gather, so you use this time to put on your helmet. You manage to make it as comfortable as you can make it, which isn't very much at all, and then just wait. Nobody is talking among the lieutentants, so you just wait. You see your squad is gathered together, though if it wasn't for Nakir's head poking out over the rabble you probably wouldn't have found them in the crowd. Still, it's nice to see everybody is ready. Eventually, enough people have gathered, and Vvulf begins to speak. Once more, his voice is booming. He has taken on his "cheerful" tone again.

My dearest pillagers and killers!  My friends! My pack! I welcome you to another day in which we shall take what is rightfully ours! We, as the strong, should not give in to the demands of weak! We must take the power and wealth that lies before us, for it is a gift from the gods itself that they would give such valuables to such weaklings! Time to show the natural order of things to these vermin! We take what is ours by right, and then we shall drink and be merry! Now, let me hear your chants! Let me hear your howls! And

He makes a mighty leap, over his line of bandits, and rips his greatshield out of the ground. You feel the aftershocks as he lands, reminding you of his power. A boglin, pushing forward cart of bombs comes out of Vvulf's tent. The pile of bombs is honestly even bigger than the goblin itself, but both the cart and goblin look like they could take on a mountain. Following the cart-goblin, you see the shaman step out of the tent. You honestly cannot discern what he even is under that bone armor. There's hardly anything visible of the man, or woman, underneath. the eternal clacking of bones is ever-present when he walks, and they use a stuff with a skull on it to aid their walking. They walk with a clear hunch. Vvulf quickly brings him close, and then the groups are made up. The lieutenants are spread out over the bandits, and it's a big line. Only now do you get an idea of the sheer SCALE of this bandit army. It's one thing to know there are about a thousand people, but seeing them all going together....
It's honestly scary, and a little exciting.

You are put relatively at the front, the second grouping of people. You estimate around a hundred bandits per grouping. It's hardly organised, and you own squad has merged in with the rest. Thorgal has moved in closer.
So. What are your plans, Syney? You can't very well go killing guards and townspeople, can you?
I..I-I'll cross that bridge when we get to it.
Breathing seems to become difficult as it begins to sink in what you may just be doing soon. You feel a cold sweat break out as the fires of panic silently spread from your chest to your whole body. Your spider body tenses up, making your steps far more densely packed and making you a bit more noisy. Some of the local bandits start to back up, clearly unnerved. Your pedipalps are also tensed up, ready to strike. You try to take a deep breath, and only barely avoid hyper-ventilating. You swallow.
Seems to me that you need to cross that bridge NOW.... I'll defend myself if necessary, but if I can avoid a death, I will. That may be fine for me, but you... This could break you, Sydney. I can see it. I've seen it happen to other men. Battles that left even the most boisterous warrior a broken husk. I don't want that for you, or anybody.
Shut up! SHUT UP! Let me.. Lemme think!
Your hands are in your hair as you try to come up with some way to deal with this. You will have to perform actions that you weren't planning on doing your whole life. You need an anchoring point! Something to keep you focused!

Do everything in your power to not harm anybody.
Perhaps even try to help civilians to safety. This will lead to you coming to blows with some of the bandits, but there's a chance that, if you leave no bandit survivors, nobody will notice. You're a good person, you can do this!

Do what you must.
It's for the sake of your town and stopping a ritual. If some people who would have died anyway have to be cut down... So be it.

Go away inside...
You will do what is needed. Your instincts will carry you through the battle. What you do during that battle is none of your concern.

You will accept the punishment that is due for your sins. Every life you take, will be immortalized in a scar.

The world put you in this circumstance, and you will not let it take you down. This is YOUR life, and it has far more value than anybody else's!

Dip into madness. In the world of the mind, morals matter little.

The world will PAY for doing this to you.

Don't let ANYTHING close. Everything could be a trap, and everyone!

In addition...
Plans what you do during the raid.


Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Oh yeah, things are going to pick up again. It's going to get very messy.
« Last Edit: February 05, 2017, 06:37:52 am by Liquefied Spleens »
Neat stuff I do:
A suggestion game about a drider that does a lot of stuff. I think it's kinda neat.


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Re: Web of Life: A Drider's Adventure
« Reply #205 on: January 09, 2017, 08:29:28 pm »

of note should be that i wasn't concerned about readership slowing down or anything, I was just concerned some people might think it was only the established bunch of people that can give suggestions.

Oh good


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Re: Web of Life: A Drider's Adventure
« Reply #206 on: January 09, 2017, 09:48:27 pm »

I say either Do what you must or Go away inside. . .   . I think it is a bad idea to avoid killing/injuring, because Vvulf might get angry/punish us or something.
As always, life is brief and transient, your posting history lasts forever, so always prioritise forum games.

Glory to United Forenia!


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Re: Web of Life: A Drider's Adventure
« Reply #207 on: January 10, 2017, 03:02:07 am »

Go away inside purely because I want to see Sydney go crazy and murder some fools. In the famous words of 'Murder Time' the sword... "MURDER TIIIIIIIIME!!"
« Last Edit: January 10, 2017, 04:46:50 am by TankKit »
“I would stop you from doing unholy experiments with my people, but I don’t actually care about their well-being and I kinda want to see what happens”

Spoken like a true god TankKit.


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Re: Web of Life: A Drider's Adventure
« Reply #208 on: January 10, 2017, 04:15:25 am »

Do what you must purely because I want to see Sydney go crazy and murder some fools. In the famous words of 'Murder Time' the sword... "MURDER TIIIIIIIIME!!"

I think 'Go Away Inside' is more 'Murder Time' that 'Do what you must'

I think I will go for Selfish. This is going to affect how Sidney behaves in stressful situations for a long time, and she needs to harden up a bit. By no means should she go full off the deep end evil/crazy, but I don't want her to be miserable every time she does have to misbehave either. Her survival (and perhaps the survival of those important to her) is priority.


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Re: Web of Life: A Drider's Adventure
« Reply #209 on: January 10, 2017, 04:46:19 am »

Do what you must purely because I want to see Sydney go crazy and murder some fools. In the famous words of 'Murder Time' the sword... "MURDER TIIIIIIIIME!!"

I think 'Go Away Inside' is more 'Murder Time' that 'Do what you must'

I think I will go for Selfish. This is going to affect how Sidney behaves in stressful situations for a long time, and she needs to harden up a bit. By no means should she go full off the deep end evil/crazy, but I don't want her to be miserable every time she does have to misbehave either. Her survival (and perhaps the survival of those important to her) is priority.
“I would stop you from doing unholy experiments with my people, but I don’t actually care about their well-being and I kinda want to see what happens”

Spoken like a true god TankKit.
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