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Author Topic: Web of Life: A Drider's Adventure (Ended)  (Read 185735 times)

Liquefied Spleens

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Re: Web of Life: A Drider's Adventure
« Reply #2235 on: July 09, 2018, 06:15:43 am »

Stick together, keep that torch lit, and seriously keep ready to shoot.
...Right. I'll just get the heavy crossbow out, shall I?
You stick close together, carefully making your way across the catwalks. You can't see the bottom of the floor, even with the light shining. Whatever this room contains must be something special... Maybe? Regardless of what it is, there's a lot of space. Maybe it's just a lookout over the complex or something. Still, whatever it is that's around here...
You hear another screech, closer this time. It's certainly enough to make the party nervous, whatever that thing is, it's now both close and horribly loud.
I see something, to the left! Sucy yells, pointing at the very edge of the lantern's sight. You all turn, but you just see a glimpse of... something. It was thin, and sharp, but you can't catch what it was.
Did anybody else catch that?
It was big. Lots of things attached to it.
Looked like a spider made up of other spiders.
I don't know how to respond to that.
With lead, generally. Possibly silver, but under the same principle of the aforementioned lead.
Well, keep the eyes peeled, I suppose. Watch for traps.

You all continue walking for a time longer, occasionally hearing the sound of metal on metal, of heavy footsteps, or worst of all: nothing. The size of the room makes the silence downright opressive, and the tiniest hint of an echo is enough to set one's teeth on edge. The only sound around is the footsteps of your party, their occasional groans or deeper breaths. Sometimes the only thing you can hear is your own heartbeat, until...
You hear a new sound.
That's not happy noise.
You hear the loud clanging of something rapidly approaching behind you, and Sucy is quick to raise the torch. Around 40 meters away, you see the massive shape of... Something. A drider, maybe, with legs sticking out every which way, remaining completely silent as the metal bends and creaks wherever it places it's misshapen legs. You can't even tell the thing's gender anymore, the top half is just nothing but swollen muscle, to the point that the jaw has been completely devoured by the encroaching chest musculature. It even uses the arm like makeshift extra legs, using the miriad of twisting, spindly legs. Most of the group is too shocked to act, for a precious, precious second as it continues charging.
Run? Or shoot? Hal asks, backing up at the encroaching monstrosity, twitching and stomping towards you.
A safety rail flies over your head, crashing down with a horribly loud screech of metal on metal as it comes to halt just behind you.

Gunfire explodes through the room, ending the silence and replacing with reverbing sounds of explosions and twisting metal. The flashes from the guns serve as additional lighting, but you must still rely on Sucy to even know where you can continue running. The bullets barely seem to affect that monstrosity, those few that hit as everybody runs. Even Hal's arrows don't seem to pierce beyond the encroaching wall of chitin and pure muscle, though splashes of blood show it's not entirely for nothing. The gunslinger is emptying his gun as fast as he can load it, which is damned fast, but the monster is still gaining on the both of you, and Sucy is sounding very winded from the constant running. You all have to turn to a corner next, and you would have ran right off the unrailed piece of catwalk, into the dark depths below. The monster keeps getting closer, and every inch it gains on you is another bit you can see of it. It's horrifying to look at, to say the least, and it just won't stop coming! Frustrated by the gunfire, it slams an arm into the guardrails again, and throws a collection of shattered metal pieces in the direction of your party. At least the damned thing can barely aim,but damn if it isn't sobering to see metal turned getting twisted by nothing but a massive paw of meat and silent fury. You can see the creature's eyes as it comes closer, and you don't like what you see. You hear panting all around, Hal even stopped bothering to fire and instead focuses on just running, even dumping his heavy crossbow to lose encumbrance. A single step from the monster's meaty front turns the weapon to splinters. Only the gunslinger hasn't let up on his firing, as you struggle to reload your pistol while keeping track of where you're all running. Sucy keeps you guided, at least, but she can't throw her damned explosives, and she's getting seriously winded! The monster is just meters away from you all, and with a sudden lurch it stomps on the floor to launch itself forward! With a practiced motion, you pull out your sword and, against the odds, manage to slow the creature down by slamming your longsword against the massive mountain of meat and misshapen legs, you feel a distinct tingle through your cursed arm as it takes the force of the creature. The sword goes deep, and you lose your grip on it as you continue running. It gives you just enough distance as the creature pulls out the sword as if it was a toothpick, and it tries another jump in what has to be an expression of rage. It lands inches away from Hal, who you managed to pull back. Even you are starting to feel the effects of all the running, and in just a few more minutes, you'll all be...

The creature stomps once and then stops using its arms and sticks out its shoulder to charge. Soon, the precious few meters disappear in the blink of an eye as the creature gets ready to hit you. Then, you all (barely) clear another corner of the catwalk and the monstrosity charges right off the walkway. It flies forward, finally letting out another shriek as it falls.
You hear a loud noise as it hits a far wall, and then you hear the some more loud thunking. It's not dead, or even gone for that matter.
That puts things into perspective, doesn't it?

Sucy falls the floor, gasping for air and coughing up some phlegm. The rest of the group seems pretty winded too, whether from panic or just plain running as fast as they can. Your legs are feeling pretty tired too, and your hands are shaking as you finally manage to load a few more bullets. Sucy takes out a potion from her robes and drinks it. Her breathing turns to normal in just a few seconds, though she remains on the ground for a little longer, staring up at the ceiling.
*hhh* I think... we didn't... bring. Enough. Guns.
S-shut the hell up. Let's just... Take a breather. Fuck.

Ok. Maybe you need a new strategy...

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Neat stuff I do:
A suggestion game about a drider that does a lot of stuff. I think it's kinda neat.


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Re: Web of Life: A Drider's Adventure
« Reply #2236 on: July 09, 2018, 12:22:12 pm »

Time to nuke it with one of our bigger bombs, soul vision can see where he is?

sucy, your suggestion? she maybe can throw bottles better than us. but I think that the best bet will be the demon stuff

the goo might inutilize  everything and maybe it's better for us to use it to devour every rage zombie and clean this mess

the black hole will destroy our walkway

so, our bet bet is to make a neutral rage dwarven thing room lose and get a kanji fight of horrors and run hopefully one of both will die and the other will be too damaged to do something and both will be consumed by the goo

or it will run toward us and we will have a threeway fight against the  queen
Competent reader (any know lenguage)
Novice english wordsmith
Dabbling english speaker (rusty)
He is short, with a small and failed beard
He likes wood, spears, ducks for their nobility, and rabbits for their weak hearts and funny reproduction rate.
he has a hard time to focus, and values, err almost everything, he dreams of mastering a skill.


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Re: Web of Life: A Drider's Adventure
« Reply #2237 on: July 09, 2018, 01:55:52 pm »

Pride it.  That thing is clearly mindless.


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Re: Web of Life: A Drider's Adventure
« Reply #2238 on: July 09, 2018, 02:12:54 pm »

I think this the one moment where no one would mind if we use Pride. Still probably better off if no one notices though.

Also started a Let's Play, Yu-Gi-Oh! Duelists of the Roses


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Re: Web of Life: A Drider's Adventure
« Reply #2239 on: July 09, 2018, 04:50:37 pm »

How can we get close to it and make it eat a larva?, and not us?
Competent reader (any know lenguage)
Novice english wordsmith
Dabbling english speaker (rusty)
He is short, with a small and failed beard
He likes wood, spears, ducks for their nobility, and rabbits for their weak hearts and funny reproduction rate.
he has a hard time to focus, and values, err almost everything, he dreams of mastering a skill.


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Re: Web of Life: A Drider's Adventure
« Reply #2240 on: July 09, 2018, 04:54:33 pm »

The getting close part is... well let's just say it's taken care of. The not getting eaten part will probably involve our not-negligible amount of close combat experience.


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Re: Web of Life: A Drider's Adventure
« Reply #2241 on: July 09, 2018, 05:01:34 pm »

I still would recommend that we order it immediately to hit itself

It's mindless, but it is still illegal and we got a big bunch of witness

Then just say that he bite our cursed arm and got a buch of poisoned blood in it's veins, and that's why he wanted to kill itself
Competent reader (any know lenguage)
Novice english wordsmith
Dabbling english speaker (rusty)
He is short, with a small and failed beard
He likes wood, spears, ducks for their nobility, and rabbits for their weak hearts and funny reproduction rate.
he has a hard time to focus, and values, err almost everything, he dreams of mastering a skill.


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Re: Web of Life: A Drider's Adventure
« Reply #2242 on: July 09, 2018, 05:10:22 pm »

I honestly don't think they'd mind us using some demonic-biological shenanigans to defeat this enemy. Might become shaky if we keep it later, especially if it seems to still be a sapient on some level. But just killing it? Well, it's war.


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Re: Web of Life: A Drider's Adventure
« Reply #2243 on: July 09, 2018, 05:50:46 pm »

We have a perfectly good excuse for having something to control mindless creatures.. we're a necromancer, and it's for necromancer vs necromancer fights.  And yeah, no reason to keep it after this mission.
« Last Edit: July 09, 2018, 08:12:59 pm by Devastator »


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Re: Web of Life: A Drider's Adventure
« Reply #2244 on: July 09, 2018, 07:20:29 pm »

How can we get close to it and make it eat a larva?, and not us?
Well we did put all our starting points into seduction...
Vote (1) for the Urist scale!
I shall be eternally happy. I shall be able to construct elf hunting giant mecha. Which can pour magma.
Urist has been forced to use a friend as fertilizer lately.
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Liquefied Spleens

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Re: Web of Life: A Drider's Adventure
« Reply #2245 on: July 11, 2018, 04:30:12 pm »

Right. I know how to deal with this thing, I've got this... Well, I can't quite explain it, but it WILL stop that monster.
What'll you need to do?
Stick my hand into the thing's mouth.
The party looks at you with a disappointed, tired glare. When you say it out loud, without context, it DOES sound really stupid, yes. Not to mention, you can only hope that thing even has a throat to jam the worm-thing down into, considering the jaws has been entirely swallowed up by an encroaching and grotesque amount of muscle. Still, if it can scream, it probably has SOMETHING. Not to mention this worm-thing is probably magic, to begin with. You just shrug, and decide to take Sucy's torch.
Getting that thing to get close won't be difficult. I'll just attract it with the torch, and then we'll see about dealing with the rest. It's not my first rodeo.
Most bulls don't have legs on the back, nor do they have arms that could splinter metal with a pinch. Are you really, really sure you want to do this?
No. But I'm doing it anyways. If this works... Well, it'll make our lives a lot easier for a lot longer.

The party continues to wander, now on edge for any further attacks. The creature is giving you some breathing room, most likely to lick its own wounds for a little bit. Or, rub them at least. You don't think the creature still has a neck, and if it does have them it sure as hell isn't useful when it's swallowed up by shoulder muscles. It doesn't take a lot of wandering before the creature screams again, considering the torch is still shining bright. You loosen the shoulders, and get ready to do something lethally stupid. The creature isn't hard to pinpoint, and you prepare yourself to get close. How would you do this, anyway... A jump would make sense, but if it just knocks you aside you're in trouble. You'll just fight ugly with ugly, you decide. That arm of yours should be able to stop something, right?
You can deal with the broken shoulder later.
You hear the thundering, terrible sound of a train made of meat heading your direction. Your party has already stepped to the sides, in case something goes wrong. You decide against commenting on the show of confidence, and prepare yourself. You take a deep breath, and breathe out so the air doesn't get knocked out of your lungs. You know that much.
You flinch a little just before impact, as you jump.

You swear you heard yourself snap as you latched on, but you DID succeed in stopping yourself from flying off entirely with your arm. The creature is still charging, and the arms raise up as you prepare to place the worm. Your arm opens up with a terrifying creak that makes your skin crawl, mostly because it's agonizingly slow. After a short few moments, you slam your hand against the creature and...
Well, no. You're fairly certain that this creature's face does not resemble the air, nor should a successful hit feel like a very sudden case of vertigo.
Then you hit the ground, and this time you really DO hear yourself crack. You scream in pain as the creature's massive hand slams you against the metal. You feel the metal grow warm as it creaks and bends, and you lose the ability to even scream.
You faint almost immediately after, the pain being too much. Anything less than a seven foot drider trained in close quarters combat would have just straight up died.
What the fuck were you thinking?

Well... She really IS remarkable. Such a young age, and so much strength! You hear a voice say. You can hardly tell what it sounds like, everything is muffled and confused.
You gasp for air for a moment, as you notice you are surrounded in water. You panic for a moment, blind and feeling as if your whole body is numb, until your vision slowly comes back. You are... in a glass tube? What? You move around, but you can barely do so. Your whole body tingles and hurts, and the faintest movement feels like your lungs are on fire.
Ah, awake already? You see a figure ask, from behind the glass. You try to say something, but only a collection of bubbles spew free from the mouthpiece attached to your mouth, feeding you with air. You also note that you're naked again. You don't even bother covering up, you're far too injured to do so for long, even in this... watertank.
Count your lucky charms I requested your presence, or else Marcilla would have just finished you off. You're welcome, of course... The figure keeps on talking as she looks at a clipboard. There are all manner of computers around this place, and a few other glass tanks. You're the only occupant of one, though.
I must say, I hope you came alone. You getting that far was unforeseen, but I have no time to look after the senile old bat's security. Especially considering she spread MY virus to defend this place. Honestly, have you heard of such an insult?
She looks at you, as if happy to have a conversational partner, but your frustrated movements only make more bubbles, and causes a beeping noise next to the tank to pick up in speed.
Stay calm, please. I had to restart that heart a few times, you know... Let the tank do its thing, and then we can start... Hmm. What AM I going to do with you, I wonder. Well, we'll just see, shall we?

Again, what were you THINKING? Well, you're just going to have to escape from this thing somehow. But remember, your body is broken from that stunt.

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« Last Edit: July 11, 2018, 06:12:14 pm by Liquefied Spleens »
Neat stuff I do:
A suggestion game about a drider that does a lot of stuff. I think it's kinda neat.


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Re: Web of Life: A Drider's Adventure
« Reply #2246 on: July 11, 2018, 04:51:25 pm »

Well, after such ingenuity with the rats, we had to screw up somewhere. :D

Anyways. Now would be a good time to take stock of Poopidgy. We can't rely on kids so much as we can maybe figure out what is going with the cat and the bird. Given the amount of stress we are in, and our current situation, it might be wise to perhaps consider allowing our alter ego to take the stage; presuming the mystery figure is most certainly looking for more than polite conversation...

Also started a Let's Play, Yu-Gi-Oh! Duelists of the Roses


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Re: Web of Life: A Drider's Adventure
« Reply #2247 on: July 11, 2018, 04:59:18 pm »

Demons do not break. Do you know what tends to happen to scientists who keep a monster like this arm in a tank?


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Re: Web of Life: A Drider's Adventure
« Reply #2248 on: July 11, 2018, 05:32:11 pm »

Just meditate on getting the lay of the land. See if we can manage a sould sight. check on undead sight, or at least location sense. Try to figure out injuries on a more specific level. Gnaw off our cursed arm. Summon our book and check for rage zombies and giant drider horrors. Scan around for legible writing or access panels/vents/drains... . try to animate the fluid into an undead slime monster. Just general sensory seep of the area...
Vote (1) for the Urist scale!
I shall be eternally happy. I shall be able to construct elf hunting giant mecha. Which can pour magma.
Urist has been forced to use a friend as fertilizer lately.
Read the First Post!


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Re: Web of Life: A Drider's Adventure
« Reply #2249 on: July 12, 2018, 02:36:52 am »

(I thought we could just stab it anywhere and have it work, given enough time, not that it had to be down the throat.)
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