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Author Topic: Web of Life: A Drider's Adventure (Ended)  (Read 185937 times)

Liquefied Spleens

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Re: Web of Life: A Drider's Adventure
« Reply #1320 on: December 24, 2017, 05:51:14 pm »

merr chrismes no update
Neat stuff I do:
A suggestion game about a drider that does a lot of stuff. I think it's kinda neat.


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Re: Web of Life: A Drider's Adventure
« Reply #1321 on: December 24, 2017, 06:01:17 pm »

We could always kill and zombify her.. blood storage right there.


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Re: Web of Life: A Drider's Adventure
« Reply #1322 on: December 24, 2017, 07:55:28 pm »

I think that rotting flesh is bad for long-term blood storage? I am fairly sure that we couldn't just east our old zombies before. Ideally an insect-bag would exploit relatively clean shells.
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Re: Web of Life: A Drider's Adventure
« Reply #1323 on: December 24, 2017, 11:26:55 pm »

I don't want to be in here long-term.

Liquefied Spleens

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Re: Web of Life: A Drider's Adventure
« Reply #1324 on: December 25, 2017, 06:05:45 pm »

You take a careful posture towards the new face in the room. She hardly seems to notice, mostly squeezing her eyes shut and shaking her head feverishly. She's too terrified to notice your non-combative posture! However, that allows you to at least change clothing unopposed. You pull off the shirt, and put on the blouse. Unfortunately, the blouse is a little bit too small, forcing you to keep the collar open just a little bit. You're not sporting much cleavage, but still something. If it wasn't for your current abhorrent admirer, you wouldn't mind, but as it stands... You also show off a little bit of your hips, just before they properly switch over to spider-bits. In order to not look too indecent, you wear the skirt, well. You note that, if it wasn't for your biology, it would probably be indecently short, but you're perfectly fine as you are.
When you throw the shirt over the girl, she first starts screaming and throwing her hands in all directions. After a short moment, however, she finally opens her eyes. She throws the shirt off of her, and looks at you with the most bewildered expression you've ever seen.
You shrug and point at the shirt. She puts it on VERY quickly, even though it's clearly a bit too large for her. Goodness, she is positively TINY. Her shoulder remains exposed through the neckhole, the vampire's frame being nearly twice the size of hers!
Still, she stopped shaking so much, at least. She seems convinced that you're not going to hurt her, though she doesn't look happy about the alternative possibilities.

Do you speak common?
She starts talking an eastern language to you. While you DID pick up a little eastern during their many visits, it's all northern dialects/languages. You only barely manage to catch a few common words, "slave" and "harmless". You shake your head. Even if she did speak northern eastern, you wouldn't be able to communicate much better than that. So you can't really explain yourself too well, but you need to have some blood available to you, preferably without killing her. You keep some more distance, and try to convey to her that she should have a look around the room while you stay in a corner. You don't have an issue with waiting in the corner, there's not exactly any shame in it as long as you're not some psychopath that takes everything as a slight to their honor. After a short while, the girl begins to walk around, opening up a few closets (skimpy outfits galore...) and even trying out the door. Carefully, she comes close to you and looks out the window. Something seems to dawn on her, and she finally decides to sit down on the bed.
She then taps to the space next to her, inviting you to sit with her. You decide to do so, no harm in it.
As soon as you sit down, she begins to groom your hair while humming a little song. It starts off simple, using her fingers as a make-shift brush, straightening out some clumps (ow!) and preparing for the braiding. Considering you haven't had this happen in a long time, and you're kind of bored anyway, you decide to let her do her work. She seems to be enjoying herself, regardless.

After a few short minutes, your hair has been put into cute braid on both sides. She ties the two things together with some pins she had in her own hair. It's not put up in a style to require it, she just puts them there to have extras. You rather like it! You've never really put your hair up in any sort of style since...  ever, really. You wonder why, as you look at the slave with a look of some genuine happiness. It's a small thing, but after the days you've had, it really makes the difference!
Your smile dies when she flinches away at you. She seems to be staring intensely at you, and after a short moment it dawns on you.
Your eyes are all fully visible. Nobody ever reacted well to all eight eyes being visible. The fact that they're a slid color, and that you've got eye-sockets up there make for dip in the uncanny valley. She quickly recovered from her flinch, fast enough that you wouldn't notice if you weren't so adept at noticing that sort of thing.
It... kind of hurts. Still. You awkwardly shuffle a little, and subconsciously try to move some hair in front but find nothing to move. It's all pulled back. Still, you're better than this. You're not a little girl anymore! You take a deep breath, and try to put it aside.
Somehow, it makes the next part slightly easier to ask.

You raise the vial, and unsheathe the switchblade on the bracelet. Her face seems to light up, and she quickly takes both. Before you can talk more about what you want her to do, the door slams open. The vampire stands there again, looking absolutely livid.
...FINE! I'll be taking my bloodbag, and leaving! YOU! he points to somebody behind the door. Take her to the courtyard! Have her fight! I'll be watching...
A timid-looking kobolt moves forward and into the room as the Vampire takes the girl by the arm. And with it, the damned bracelet AND the vial!

Follow, and prepare to fight.
He may just supply you with weaponry. Time to abuse his hubris.

Try to escape.
It's one kobolt, and the vampire is occupied with the girl. You can try to make a run for it!


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Neat stuff I do:
A suggestion game about a drider that does a lot of stuff. I think it's kinda neat.


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Re: Web of Life: A Drider's Adventure
« Reply #1325 on: December 25, 2017, 07:48:29 pm »

... An escape attempt could be the "the girl is a bad influence" effect, but vampy doesn't seem that thoughtful, I suspect that he would mostly just forget her, if we actually made it far enough to be a distraction, which really depends upon how forceful we are willing to be...
We could ask if we are supposed to be some sort of slave/sport gladiator, fighting for show in a rigged arena instead of being actually competent. Then turn the conversation to him insisting that we fight, and us asking if we have to fight right now, and get him to agree, and then, well, if he insists... we fight, right now! What we ought have a clear advantage in is body-size, and probably weight, open with a charge, aiming to hit more than do anything clever, though elbow or shoulder-first is always nice. Then try to shove him out a window(leave a thread behind in case we get pulled out somehow) and then make a break for it along the outside of the buildings.

Obviously standard battle-tactics apply. keep the opponent startled, we aren't really built for headbutts but they are a good example. Deathbolts are disorientating, pedipalps are extra weapons to track, blowing a puff of smoke into his face might keep him off-balance, as might spitting, just constantly maintain two or three different attacks at once even if not all of them are actually dangerous, because the real threat is that he is being pushed back through a narrow(compared to giant spider-people) passage and out a window. There really should be no way that he can compete with us for traction unless he has something sturdy to grip, and such things are usually the hallmarks of a bad passage, what with the value of an open space for travelling through. I would say that, given the lack of obvious vampire-slaying weapons, we should keep Alexia out of the fight, she is our secret weapon afterall.
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I shall be eternally happy. I shall be able to construct elf hunting giant mecha. Which can pour magma.
Urist has been forced to use a friend as fertilizer lately.
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Liquefied Spleens

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Re: Web of Life: A Drider's Adventure
« Reply #1326 on: December 26, 2017, 06:20:12 pm »

While you did have a very good idea of what to say to the vampire, he did not join you in your approach to the arena. You were expected to follow that one kobolt, who seems to be considerably less nervous than the one that guided you to the baths. In fact, he seemed exceptionally sure of himself as he wandered, straight back, no talking... He didn't seem to react to any sort of prodding you attempted, wordlessly guided you through the traps. It seems only the hallways leading to the outside are actually trapped. And they're fairly mean, too. Most of them swing heavy things or sharp blades towards the hapless target. And some are considerably more sneaky than you expected, one of them even activates if you don't defuse it in a fairly difficult to guess manner. The worst was the last one (or first, if you were to invade), which is just a magic rune. Invisible and brutal if it were to go off. It automatically recharges, as well, and the only way to "defuse" it is by activating it. The kobolt used a bolt(as in, a solid iron bolt for keeping structures together) to activate it, and ran through as quickly as he could. You do the same, and you feel a slight tingle as you run through. If nothing else, you'll be able to tell there's something odd if there's a small bin with bolts in them down a pathway.
The bolt itself was crushed into a fine iron toothpick, showcasing a terrifying force that you don't want to see happen to a living creature.

The courtyard is pretty, if nothing else. There's some lush grass to the sides, and there's a spot of sand right in the middle. From what you can tell, they dug a ditch for the sand, and it has been used rather often. You can still see blood in the sand, spatters and pools of it. You can't help but wonder just what he makes fight in this pit. You are ushered forward into the field. It seems... spectacularly empty, really. You notice a few small shacks towards one end of the field, and some fences around. Nothing people couldn't hop over, but enough to block people from getting through during an actual fight. After a little bit of looking around, you also catch the vampire. He's... sitting on a roof. A small roof, to maybe the kitchens? You don't know the castle well enough. At any rate, he seems to be watching with great interest, even while lounging on the small roof the way he is. A few kobolt servants appear around the arena, and they move to the "stables". Wordlessly, they open the first door of the three stables. Out comes a large thrall wielding a club. He seems... extremely basic. You've seen at least three other thralls just like him on the way here! You're guessing he's mostly the warmup.
Still, you don't have any weapons!

The thrall charges forward, swining the club wildly. And kind of clumsily, too. it tries to make a jumping downward crushing motion, which you stop with a quick punch to the unguarded stomach. The thrall folds like a lawnchair, and drop his club. You keep a few legs on him as you pic up his weapon and crush his head in an almost nonchalant motion. You make an exaggerated shrug towards the vampire, who seems a little annoyed at how quickly it was over. He raises his hand again, and the kobolts open the second stable.
One of the mercs, this time. He's using a wooden shield with a horn  and a crude shortsword made of bone. He approaches you with considerably more care and intelligence than the previous opponent. Fortunately, you're at least armed this time. You take the offensive n this one, taking his defensive stance and turning it against him. You initiate with a hefty sideways swing towards his sword-side, which he handily parries. You then grab the horn of his shield while his sword is occupied, and pull him towards you. With a quick headbutt to his nose, he stumbles back, allowing you to get a crack at his sword-arm. With a crushing blow, you break his sword arm. As he screams, you club him over the head, knocking him to the ground. You finish it off with some quick blows to his head to finish it off, working until his skull just about explodes. His blood colors the sand as you take his weapons, putting you in a more familiar type of gear.
Things are looking up! This is proving to more of a diversion than anything serious.
The vampire laughs. Ominously.

He raises his hand again, and the third stable opens. It takes a while before anything happens, until a yellow flash lights up the dark stable and your next opponent crawls out.
It looks like it's wearing a warped and twisted armor, apart from the arms, which are massive and feathered. You see clumps of balding tissue there, recent scars and stitched flesh. On closer inspection, you see that the legs are also not armored, but covered in an odd bird-like "scaling", like a raven's legs. Glowing red eyes are visible through the warped visor, and it screeches in an awful way before charging towards you.
You can vaguely recognize words in the screeeching, and more importantly, the voice saying them.
KILL! KILL! Yunikki yells, her advance hardly slowing down as she sprints to you on all fours!
Gods no.
The vampire laughs as you raise your shield.

What now!?

You're not killing your friend and you're not continuing this sick game!

It's barely her anymore. Try to kill her.

Talk her down?
Would it even be possible at this point?

Attack the vampire
You could strangle the life out of him. It would be the most serene thing in the world.



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Neat stuff I do:
A suggestion game about a drider that does a lot of stuff. I think it's kinda neat.


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Re: Web of Life: A Drider's Adventure
« Reply #1327 on: December 26, 2017, 06:24:38 pm »

oh god
Competent reader (any know lenguage)
Novice english wordsmith
Dabbling english speaker (rusty)
He is short, with a small and failed beard
He likes wood, spears, ducks for their nobility, and rabbits for their weak hearts and funny reproduction rate.
he has a hard time to focus, and values, err almost everything, he dreams of mastering a skill.


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Re: Web of Life: A Drider's Adventure
« Reply #1328 on: December 26, 2017, 06:28:17 pm »

Attack the vampire


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Re: Web of Life: A Drider's Adventure
« Reply #1329 on: December 26, 2017, 06:39:35 pm »

Run! (WHERE? no.)

mercy (oh fuck stress not now.)

attack the vampire (in the middle of his thralls and mercs and a rabid yukinni behind you and die, no.)

Talk her down?
(try at least before mercy with alexia option? At least make her join you against the vampire? I suggest giving the control to the Queen so we don't have to see what is happening)

CHECK IF SHE HAS A SOUL, or at least if it's the same soul/it's an weird undead so we could control

If she is easily controllable  or if we can immobilize her without problem see if the book say something about saving her/giving her free will ASAP

Competent reader (any know lenguage)
Novice english wordsmith
Dabbling english speaker (rusty)
He is short, with a small and failed beard
He likes wood, spears, ducks for their nobility, and rabbits for their weak hearts and funny reproduction rate.
he has a hard time to focus, and values, err almost everything, he dreams of mastering a skill.


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Re: Web of Life: A Drider's Adventure
« Reply #1330 on: December 26, 2017, 09:20:00 pm »

Well Vampy is NOT going to win this one!
She is attacking us, she is not clear-headed. ... Even if she was being pressured somehow, but she knows better than to think that anything good would come of cooperating to this extent...

She is bird-like... Birds tend to be visual and motion oriented, aren't they? And often eat bugs... Still, flight instincts will avoid poor visibility, she is likely to be very reluctant to enter smoke, which would be more helpful if we were indoors, but is still a thing. Red glowing eyes suggest an active enchantment, so it can probably be turned off to some extent. We also have a couple of corpses on hand...

So.. Smokescreen. Raise zombies. Speak from behind one, tell her that she needs to escape, that we will help her later. Presumably the effect is stronger than that and she will smoosh the zombie, thinking it was us, at which point we grab the arm that smooshed the zombie and the other zombie grabs her legs, we can pull her forwards onto the ground and hopefully get her off her feet and control her arms, we could try stinging her shoulder too. Tell her that are stronger than this, it can't hurt us, that we can make her better, it will end if she just finds somewhere safe and waits.

Take a deep breath and then calmly explain the situation to Vampy. He wants us, and at an unthinking level he is scared that someone else will take us away. He strikes at whatever is near to us, and stumbled into a delusion of it to be an art of irony, and a skill of control, and so he thinks that he is having fun, but in truth it is just a brief reprieve from the gnawing terror that constantly consumes him, that he will lose something. It works on the ignorant, eventually they succumb to the pressure because they do not see it accumulate, but we will never respect a fool so ruled by their own ignorance.
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I shall be eternally happy. I shall be able to construct elf hunting giant mecha. Which can pour magma.
Urist has been forced to use a friend as fertilizer lately.
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Re: Web of Life: A Drider's Adventure
« Reply #1331 on: December 26, 2017, 11:34:41 pm »

Smokescreen time.  Use soulsense to pick targets, and raise those we kill.  Then use them to swarm the vampire and try to land at least one good hit.  Attack the vampire.

Liquefied Spleens

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Re: Web of Life: A Drider's Adventure
« Reply #1332 on: December 27, 2017, 05:17:05 pm »

YOU FUCKING BITCH! You bellow in pure, unadulterated rage! You block the charge from Yunikki, but you hardly even care.  As the shock blows you back, the shock being reduced to mere tingles in the rage you are feeling. It's like you, nor Alexia are truly present. There is no pain, no sadness, nothing. In that very moment where he transformed your friend, your stalwart crusader into a mutated beast, he unleashed something primal. All you can think about is killing the vampire. Nothing else matters. But it is not a thoughtless rage. You're far too angry for that. After the first outburst, your face stands neutral, your planning is precise, and the only hint of your anger is the look in your eyes. A single-minded killing intent.
You breathe out a smokescreen first, to distract the obstacles heading your way. Yunikki loses you quickly, and you hear her tearing up the place behind you. You hear the scream of a thrall as he is ripped apart, Yunikki screaming all the while.
The vampire hasn't moved, still mockingly looking down from his ceiling.
Using soulsight, you stab the closest thrall and resurrect him soon after. Soon, that zombie begins his climb, but the vampire just swats him away with a quick kick. Just as you're about to kill another, Yunikki jumps through the fog and swipes towards you. Just barely, you manage to block the massive claw, and through Yunikki's newfound, bestial strength she gores her hand on the horn! She screams in pain and fury, and you have to leave the shield as you climb up to the vampire.

Just as you stab towards him, predicting his kick, he just jumps up, almost five meters! He climbs up, on the roof of the castle proper. You almost give chase, but you hear Yunikki screaming behind you. She tore one of the zombies to pieces, and now she's just grinding into the gore pile. You were about to continue your struggle onward, but...
You swear you can hear her crying.
She screams at the sound of her name, clawing at her face before jumping up after you! You are forced to climb the walls to keep your distance from those talons, her climbing ability only diminished by the shield stuck through her palm!
You need to fight this!
More screeching, she bashes the walls, leaving cracks in the stonework. Her claw finds and creates some holes for her to pull herself up, her thick, ropey musculature allowing her to drag her whole body up. She can't climb more with that horn through her hand, and she begins to bash against the wall.
Fortunately, the last remaining zombie you had, the one that was kicked away by the vampire, finally arrives to pull at her legs. He had to climb up first, but you're damn glad he got here on time. With her balance gone, she falls down on the ground, falling a solid few meters. Stunned for just a moment, you take the opportunity to rush down and sting her right on the shoulder, apologizing. The sack enters, blocking off at least a little of her body. You force your strength on the remaining arm, only barely keeping it down as she regains some of her faculties. The zombie is used to hold down the other arm, along with your stinger remaing in place over her bicep.

I need you to stay calm! It will pass!
Another distorted screech, as she struggles against you. It takes all your might to keep her one arm down, but you manage, just barely. You feel her jabbing herself in the arm, and she yells in pain as the bubble in her shoulder pops. But soon....
You scream in pain as she rakes across your stomach, her power too much to contain. The wounds are deep, and you have to retreat as she focuses on the zombie, tearing his throat out.
With another yell of pain, she tears out the shield in her hand.
You run up the castle wall, where the vampire ran off to. You have no other escape route. Yunikki quickly follows you, jamming her claws in the stonework and quickly climbing up. When you reach the top, you see the vampire standing ready with a syringe.
You charge towards him, sword poised to stab at him. He slaps your sword aside, and vaults over you. You hear another screech as Yunikki reaches the top, and another, weaker one as the vampire throws a syringe in her chest! Quickly, the corvid abomination falls down, nearly ten meters. She breaks the roof that the vampire was lounging on earlier, and lays still.
You're welc-AAH!
He screams as you bury your sword inside his arm, cracking half-way through the bone! With another scream of rage, you rear back to punch him on the mouth but he blocks your attack with his free hand. You send a death-bolt into him, casting it through your mouth before you headbutt the fucker! You haven't forgotten your anger.
This ends with either him dead or you.

Furiously, you do all you can to hurt him, bite at him, crush him into a pulp, but...
He's still too fast. You quickly counter his second attempt at putting you in a neckhold, like he did at the baths, but soon enough you are worn down and disarmed. Soon after, with you exhausted and wounded, you finally fall to him. With your last breath, you curse him, before you pass out again.
When you awaken, you are in your room again. You are in your bed, but you hear another person's breathing.
On the floor, you can see Yunikki, mercifully human. Her armor has been stripped, and she only wears rough, simple cloth.
She is covered head to toe in chains, with multiple heavy locks to keep it in place. She should have limited mobility with her arms, but her legs remain free. She looks completely and utterly ragged, but right now she's sleeping.

Kill her now.
...It's for the best.

Let her sleep.
She's going to need the rest. Best to let her lie, now.

Wake her up.
We need a very frank discussion on what to do.

Sydney will automatically look through the book, unless ordered not to.

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Neat stuff I do:
A suggestion game about a drider that does a lot of stuff. I think it's kinda neat.


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Re: Web of Life: A Drider's Adventure
« Reply #1333 on: December 27, 2017, 05:55:02 pm »

Lets let her sleep for now, and check in with our familiar.  Has it gathered more resources?  If she does wake up, though, we need her assistance.. which could well be her worship.


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Re: Web of Life: A Drider's Adventure
« Reply #1334 on: December 27, 2017, 08:18:00 pm »

Check on her. We're no physician, but we can see anything obvious. Also check for the sting-wound in her shoulder. In a mess like this it doesn't hurt to double-check that people are consistently the same person, and that sting-wound is a pretty reliable connection between This Yunikki and the giant chicken.

Be prepared to comfort her if she wakes up. She was with us at Vvulf's party, she might not care for body-warping... Maybe something about petty magic of a brat that not much should come of? Probably better just to offer a should to, well, lean on...

We could consider asking for some blood. For all we know that was Vampy's intention in leaver her here, and there is some sort of trap afoot though.
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I shall be eternally happy. I shall be able to construct elf hunting giant mecha. Which can pour magma.
Urist has been forced to use a friend as fertilizer lately.
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